Author Archives: Olajide Abijo

Enhancing Learning and Teaching through Artificial Intelligence (AI)


The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the orientation programme for recent immigrants offers a great chance to transform the educational experience, particularly when combined with a hybrid learning approach. This article uses the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model framework to examine the ways that artificial intelligence (AI) might be applied to improve teaching, learning, and administrative efficiency. In the era of artificial intelligence, it also tackles the growing problem of academic integrity and offers safeguards against its improper application in the classroom. Let’s examine how AI can be used within the ADDIE model.

Phases of Analysis and Design: AI’s involvement starts in the Analysis phase, where it can process data from surveys and assessments to automate the evaluation of immigrants’ learning needs. This helps identify common issues and areas that require attention, like language proficiency or cultural adaptation (Khan & Bose, 2021). According to du Boulay (2016), artificial intelligence (AI) enables the development of personalised learning paths and adaptable content during the design phase. This ensures that the materials are customised to the learners’ pace and style, thereby meeting the different demands of adult learners.

Phase of Development: Artificial Intelligence facilitates the creation and curation of content by utilising technologies for natural language generation to effectively generate and suggest pertinent multimedia material. Additionally, it can create helpful language tools that will help immigrants overcome language hurdles by providing real-time translation and pronunciation coaching (Chen, Chen, & Lin, 2020).

Phase of Implementation: AI-powered chatbots act as on-demand tutors, offering prompt assistance and feedback to improve the learning process outside conventional classroom settings. Furthermore, AI can automate administrative processes like enrolment and progress monitoring, freeing teachers to concentrate more on instruction rather than paperwork (Goksel & Bozkurt, 2019).

Evaluation Phase: AI systems enable a continuously developing learning experience that is customised to each learner’s needs by providing a nuanced understanding of each learner’s success and areas for development through adaptive assessments and feedback analysis (Perrotta & Selwyn, 2019).

Addressing Academic Integrity and Misuse of AI

The development of AI tools has made it harder to uphold academic integrity. Couros (2024) in his presentation argues that AI has failed to accurately identify the use of generative AI in academics. It is crucial to create examinations that demand personal reflection, live presentations, and practical application—tasks that are difficult for AI to imitate—to prevent potential abuse. Maintaining assessment integrity can be aided by using AI for plagiarism monitoring and detection. Additionally, integrating ethical AI use and digital literacy into the curriculum guarantees that students understand the possibilities as well as constraints of AI (Good, 1987).

Instead of focusing on limiting the use of AI, why don’t academics and institutions think in terms of “How do we make AI a relevant part of the instructional process that augments student learning?” Educators either accept AI as a disruptor or as a catalyst.

To conclude, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education presents opportunities for tailored, effective, and interesting learning, especially in courses for recent immigrants. Teachers can construct a dynamic learning environment that addresses the different needs of adult learners by utilising AI across the stages of the ADDIE paradigm. But it’s also critical to address the issues raised by AI, particularly concerning upholding academic integrity, by encouraging the ethical application of AI and creating well-thought-out course designs.

Although there are obstacles in the way of educators and course designers when incorporating AI into their curricula, the potential benefits in terms of improved learning outcomes and increased operational efficiency are enormous. AI applications in education are expected to develop along with the sector, offering more personalised, engaging, and accessible learning experiences in the future.

Building Community and Cooperation: Improving Regina’s Immigrant Orientation Workshops

Creating a welcoming learning atmosphere that encourages community involvement and cooperation is crucial when planning orientation programmes for new arrivals to Regina. Various student-teacher and student-student interactions can enhance the educational process and encourage cultural assimilation. Let’s examine the criteria for guaranteeing the effectiveness of these encounters and how they might be put into practice.


LMS Discussion Boards:
Discussion boards in the Learning Management System (LMS) give students a place to communicate asynchronously, participate in insightful conversations, ask questions, and exchange experiences. These forums foster peer-to-peer interactions and a feeling of community within the learning community.

Video conversations

Students and teachers can communicate in real-time through live video chats or online office hours. These interactive sessions improve student engagement and collaboration by providing individualised support, quick feedback, and in-depth conversations on course material.

Sessions with Guest Speakers

By inviting guest speakers from the neighbourhood or pertinent organisations, instructors can give students firsthand knowledge, a range of viewpoints, and useful guidance on things like integrating into the local culture, finding work, and gaining access to necessary services in Regina. These classes enhance the educational process and provide learners with connections to resources and networks of support.

Neighbourhood Tours and Field Trips:
Arranging virtual tours or field visits to nearby businesses, historical landmarks, and community organisations exposes students to the local environment and promotes cross-cultural understanding. These opportunities for experiential learning foster interpersonal relationships, the development of useful knowledge, and a stronger feeling of community involvement.



Stated Expectations

Clearly state the intent, frequency, and standards for student interactions in your guidelines. To establish a welcoming learning environment, promote polite conversation, engaged engagement, and helpful criticism.

Organising Questions for Discussion
To encourage thoughtful discussions and critical thinking, provide structured discussion starters that are in line with the goals of the course and actual situations. Motivate pupils to investigate other viewpoints and actively participate in the course material.

Facilitation by the instructor

Engage in lively debates, offer prompt comments, and encourage deep connections among students. Dispel myths, promote inclusive engagement, and recognise the importance of various perspectives to enhance the educational process.

Peer Criticism and Introspection

To encourage group learning and self-awareness, include chances for peer feedback and reflection. Students should be encouraged to assess their work, consider what they have learned, and pinpoint areas where they may improve.

Evaluation of Interaction Quality

Evaluation criteria for student interactions include involvement with peers’ views, depth of analysis, and relevance. Give pupils helpful criticism to help them improve their social skills and create a welcoming learning environment.

Orientation seminars for immigrants in Regina can establish inclusive learning environments that foster cultural integration, collaboration, and empowerment by incorporating various modes of student interaction and enacting efficacious norms. These workshops are vital to the successful adaptation and integration of students into the Regina community because they provide meaningful relationships and encourage student engagement.

Designing an Effective Orientation Workshop for New Immigrants with ADDIE Model


Regina City

Setting out to create a newbie orientation programme is a rewarding but difficult undertaking. Helping immigrants settle into a new town, like Regina, or employees adjust to a new work culture are two examples of processes that need to be carefully thought out and analysed to be effective. This blog article will go over the critical steps in analysis and design that make up a successful orientation session. In this particular context, the workshop is designed for new immigrants to Regina.

Different models exist in program planning but ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) is quite popular among practitioners. Though this post is an exemplification of ADDIE, it only addresses the first two steps in the process; Analysis and Design. You can watch a quick introductory video to the ADDIE model below.



Course Design Rationale and Vision

By offering thorough orientation and integration support, the course design rationale and vision concentrate on meeting the vital requirements of recently arrived immigrants in Regina. The workshop is blended and synchronous and will cater to a wide range of adult learners, most of whom are expected to be of Asian descent with diverse first languages. It seeks to provide students with chances for community engagement, cultural awareness, and practical skills. The training develops communication, problem-solving, and cultural understanding through interactive workshops, role-playing activities, and guest speaker sessions. Formative and summative assessments make sure students understand key ideas, and large platforms and educational technology make sure learning happens smoothly. Overall, the emphasis of the course design is on providing comprehensive assistance for immigrants to successfully adapt and thrive in their new surroundings.


Finding the underlying need or issue is the first stage in creating an orientation workshop. Think about the difficulties that recent immigrants encounter, like acclimating to new surroundings, obtaining necessary services, and comprehending local customs. If these needs are not met, loneliness, annoyance, and low productivity may result.

To build a workshop that is suited to the needs of the audience, it is imperative to develop fictitious characters that embody diverse demographics, backgrounds, and issues. By comprehending their distinct viewpoints and experiences, we are able to create activities and information that speak to them personally. The workshop’s main subjects, which include cultural orientation, local resources, career options, and more will be explored. The possibilities and constraints should be examined from a variety of angles, taking into account the domain, learning tools, learners, facilitators, and access/cost considerations.


It is important to ensure that the workshop’s learning objectives are well-defined, stating the desired outcomes for participants after the course. These goals ought to be time-bound, relevant, measurable, achievable, and specific (SMART). Educational opportunities or exercises that complement the goals of the programme should be selected. It is important to ensure every activity—including field trips, role-playing games, guest speaker sessions, and interactive workshops—contributes to the participants’ learning and engagement.

Evaluations are important in training delivery, as such, both formative and summative tools should be used to gauge participants’ comprehension and advancement. Summative evaluations could be case studies, exams, or presentations; formative evaluations can be quizzes, group discussions, and reflective activities. In terms of instruction, online mode is preferable since it is easily accessible, cost-effective and far-reaching. Instructional technology, such as the learning management system (LMS), will help with the delivery and participation in the session(s). The use of interactive multimedia tools like Zoom, Google Drive, and Canvas will improve learning outcomes and promote teamwork.

A methodical strategy that starts with in-depth study and ends with careful planning is necessary to create an orientation workshop that works. Through comprehension of the audience’s requirements, establishment of precise learning goals, choice of stimulating learning activities, administration of evaluations, and utilisation of instructional tools, we may craft a workshop that enables newcomers to flourish in their new surroundings. We make sure that our workshop has a significant and long-lasting impact by starting our journey with the needs and past experiences of our participants as a priority in the design process.

In conclusion, by implementing standards of excellence in learning design and completing these processes, we may make orientation workshops that enable newcomers to successfully navigate their new environments. A clearer version of the details of the ADDIE steps for this training can be found here. Hopefully, we can explore the other steps of ADDIE in another blog post.

HyFlex: The Whys and Why Nots

Many new terminologies are emerging to describe diverse combinations of course modalities. Modality, which previously denoted the location and timing of encounters, has grown from a simple face-to-face or online binary into a complex landscape. This complexity affects our mutual understanding because the vocabulary around course types has grown tremendously, and I believe the growth is perpetual. Some scholars have argued that modes of learning should be seen as a continuum of technology-based learning, which looks plausible visually.

Merging Modality Models

Emerging innovative models in the dynamic education terrain are needed to meet the diverse needs of learners. This has resulted in a variety of models, and one of such models is HyFlex which was coined by Brian Beatty. Hybrid-flexible, or HYFlex, is an instructional strategy that smoothly mixes online and in-person instruction inside a single course, allowing students to select which is their preferred method of participation. Some educators at the University of Regina have tried to use this and acknowledged how challenging it is (AHRD 802).


Benefits of HyFlex Learning

The defining feature of HyFlex learning is its adaptability. Recognising that students’ learning preferences and situations differ, this model allows them to choose how they interact with the course—in person, online in real-time, or remotely via recorded content. HyFlex removes geographical and scheduling constraints, increasing access to education. Students with geography, time, or health constraints can participate in the course, resulting in a more diverse and inclusive learning community. The model is resilient in the face of disturbances like unanticipated emergencies or health issues, as seen in the COVID-19 pandemic with some organisations. It easily transitions between in-person and online modes, ensuring that education continues during difficult times.

In terms of learning styles, HyFlex accommodates a variety of learning techniques. Whether students prefer face-to-face engagement or the independence of online learning, this model accommodates diverse preferences, leading to a more personalised learning environment. Lastly, HyFlex fosters an awareness of responsibility in learners. With the option to choose their attendance and involvement, students take responsibility for their educational experience, resulting in a more active and engaged student body.


Challenges of HyFlex Learning

The complexity of a HyFlex course requires careful design. Instructors must produce resources that transition effortlessly between in-person and online versions, guaranteeing a consistent and equal learning experience for all. Both learners and educators may face technological challenges. Issues such as internet availability, device access, and platform issues can all have an impact on the overall quality of the learning experience, potentially leading to inequities. Logistical issues such as coordinating activities and assessments for students participating in various modes are common.

Maintaining fairness and justice in evaluation techniques necessitates considerable attention. For example, students may have diverse learning experiences depending on the mode they choose, presenting the prospect of inequities in resource access and engagement levels, which could affect overall academic achievement. More so, students may have diverse experiences with learning contingent upon the mode they choose, creating the prospect of disparities in resource access and engagement levels, which could impact overall educational achievements. Adopting HyFlex learning may place additional demands on educators. Combining multiple delivery formats, delivering timely feedback, and meeting diverse student needs all require additional effort.


The Feasibility Debate

The viability of HyFlex learning is dependent on contextual conditions, resources at hand, and organisational objectives. While the model has grown in response to the demand for flexible educational opportunities, its success is dependent on careful planning, a strong technology infrastructure, and continual support for both teachers and students. The question of whether HyFlex is a viable paradigm or a transitory trend relies on how effectively educational organisations manage the accompanying hurdles to provide valuable educational opportunities for everybody. Attempts have been made to practice HyFlex in Continuing Education at the University of Regina but professors have acknowledged its complexity.

You are Welcome to My World!

Welcome to my blog!

I’m Olajide Abijo, and my educational background includes a degree in Linguistics (B.A.) and a master’s in Educational Leadership. Currently enrolled in the Adult Education and Human Resources Development Program (MEd), I bring a wealth of teaching experience across diverse cultures and age groups, ranging from kindergarten to 80-year-olds.

I focus on exploring the effective application of online and blended learning in adult education, particularly within work contexts. Having lived and taught in Nigeria, the United Arab Emirates, and Japan, my experiences in different contexts have greatly influenced my perspectives and interactions with learners and local communities.

While my interest in teaching waned due to unnecessary systematic pressures, I aim to leverage my knowledge, experience, and skills within the industry. Although I am interested in postgraduate teaching opportunities, I am not inclined towards writing publications now, but NEVER say NEVER!