Accessibility and Equity in Online and Bended Courses

Following this week’s lecture, I started reflecting on the topic of accessibility and equity in online and blended courses. Bates mentions that student demographics, accessibility, and differences in how students learn should be considered when choosing media and technology to use with our students (Teaching in a Digital Age). Furthermore, Bates states that “of all the criteria in determining choice of technology, [access] is perhaps the most discriminating” (Teaching in a Digital Age). It is incredibly difficult to ensure students have the same tools at home to access different learning materials online. Educators are not able to confirm if all students have access to the internet, computer, or tablet at home to view online content and we honestly can not demand our students have all these appropriate tools to access online content when we are not fully aware of the restrictions that may prohibit their accessibility. “Another important factor to consider is access for students with disabilities. This [could be for example] providing textual or audio options for deaf and visually impaired students” (Teaching in a Digital Age).


In any learning context, I believe it is imperative that we take the time to get to know our students and thus become aware of their instructional and educational needs. Each student is unique with their own set of needs and preferences to help them achieve success within the classroom. It is important for educators to get to know their students so that they can identify what they need to be able to complete a variety of tasks – especially when we are wanting to integrate technology into their learning repertoire. By talking with families or students we might be able to determine if they require any additional information, tools, or guidance to partake in online and blended classroom initiatives. In these types of interactions, we might come to find out that perhaps some of our families do not have technology at home that their child could access to complete components from an online or blended course; we could then approach the school and explore the possibility of letting some families borrow some technology so their child can partake in an online or blended learning initiative. It is also through these discussions that a teacher might find out their student has a hearing difficulty and could start planning to use subtitles or voice typing programs to include in online lessons so that all students can follow along. Moreover, we also discussed instances where our students’ religious or cultural beliefs might impede them from partaking in online or blended classroom initiatives which prompted many of us to consider what would be the optimal way to proceed; the majority of us agreed that we would not ask families to use any tool that went against their religious or cultural beliefs and that given this type of situation, we would find alternate solutions for students to complete the course work such as providing a paper copy of PowerPoint Presentations and printing off hard copies of activities for these students.


I feel that there are indeed some aspects of my blended course that considers accessibility for all my students. As I mentioned in my previous posts, I have included pre-recorded lessons that contain content in French and translations in English for my second-language learners to follow along. Additionally, I have included PowerPoint slides to go along with my pre-recorded lessons for there to be a visual component as well to help students follow along which is essential in any language course. However, there are areas where I can tweak a few things to make it more accessible to students. Following our lecture, I contemplated including some tools to help students with auditory disabilities where I could perhaps add subtitles to my pre-recorded lessons or use some type of “Speech-to-text” program. For example, when uploading videos to YouTube, there is an option to add subtitles in various languages and it will even provide graphs of the most commonly spoken languages in the world; the “Accessibility Toolkit” is a great resource to use for additional information, tools, and tips. Chris Hawkins’ article “The best dictation software in 2023” provides different “Speech-to-text” apps that are available as well. What I plan to do before starting my blended course with my students in the fall is to get to know them and discuss their needs before I start assigning modules. I will provide them with detailed walkthroughs of every program/app we plan to use for our blended course. I plan to also set some time aside with each student individually so we can address their questions or concerns before we start our blended course and I will be contacting families as well as asking them to communicate any needs they might have before we begin. These interactions with students and their families will be a key component to ensuring our blended course runs smoothly and that the students get the most out of this instructional initiative.

Let’s Learn Through Lumi

The title of this blog post feels ironic, considering my students will be learning through Lumi with the interactive video I created, but I also found myself learning through the process of exploring Lumi.

The lesson I created through Lumi was Lesson 5 within my Grade 4 Health unit, in which I explained in more detail on my course profile. This lesson focuses on finding calm spots & focuses primarily on yoga, more specifically breathing, movement, and mindset to help us achieve this. This lesson will begin with an audio book (read aloud) title “A Little Calm Spot”. I retrieved this video from YouTube & I turned into an interactive experience using the Lumi platform. I paused the video when I wanted the students to try something on their own (breathing, movements, and positive thinking) or to reflect on their understanding of the book.

Photo of the storybook: A Little Calm Spot

Once my students are done exploring this they will be instructed (through Google Classroom) to listen to a guided meditation & then create an art creation expressing their own calm spot. This can involve ways of using breathing, movement, positive mindset, or all of the above if they choose. This can be something they explore & express on paper with a drawing or words, or something they explore & express in person… possibly as a mini yoga flow.

Prior to this lesson, our class will have focused on what exactly stress is, what might cause stress, and why stress differs from person to person. We will have taken the time to explore a diverse range of stress strategies & will have practiced many of these within the classroom. This lesson lands on the mid-way mark through the unit & provides the students with another stress strategy. This lesson also leads us into exploring our own calm spots & how we can cope with stress in different ways. For this lesson in particular I will assess my students in their responses & their creation of a calm spot (formative). However, here will be lots of ongoing assessments (formative & summative) through out the rest of the unit that shows they understood this lesson & concept.

Taking my lesson in French on sentence structure and making it interactive for my kiddos with Lumi! 😊

This has been quite the informative week in EC&I 834! It has been so much fun creating all my material and setting up my module to use with my students in the fall! It is always so refreshing to take the information we cover in class and apply it to our teaching which is what I focussed on doing this week when I got to explore Lumi to later on incorporate into my module with the hope that it would help engage my students with their online grammar lesson in French.

My first module focuses on sentence structure. Seeing as my kiddos will be in Grade 2 and Grade 3, we are focussing on proper sentence composition. We are also concentrating on identifying the subject (le sujet), the verb (le verbe), and the object (le complément) in sentences. Like with most lessons in a French Immersion classroom, exposure to different vocabulary is key to widening our students’ database in French, and we are always translating and providing new vocabulary throughout our lessons when we can.

As I mentioned in my course profile to ensure consistency throughout the school year each of my modules will have the following:

  • PowerPoint Presentation of the new concept
  • Pre-recorded lesson of PowerPoint Presentation in French (with English translation included to help all students understand/follow along)
  • Both interactive and paper worksheets/workbooks (to be completed at home or in school if needing extra help/time)
  • Boom Cards
  • Quizlet or Quizizz activities
  • Flip video
  • Formal evaluation – Quiz (summative assessment) to be completed in class as a whole group.

The first thing I proceeded to do when setting up my module, was take the PowerPoint presentation for my lesson and I recorded a video of the slides. This video provided lots of translation throughout its entirety to make sure my students would be able to follow along when accessing it from home. I used Screencastify to record this video and it was very user-friendly while also making it easy to “export” my video. I did feel like the video was a bit long and worried if it would be able to keep my students engaged (especially when they will most likely be working from home without me around to “help them focus” haha).

I then went on to take my pre-recorded lesson and make it interactive with Lumi. In my opinion, Lumi was the perfect tool to help me insert pauses throughout my video and have my students review different concepts at precise times throughout the lesson. I explored a few of the different interactive activities and selected a true and false question, a multiple-choice question, and a summary task to include in my presentation. I also went on to create two different Quizizzes for this lesson and added two different links to the interactive video that takes students straight to our mini quiz. It was pretty easy to use but I do wish we had more options to add audio to prompts/interactive activities (if anyone knows how or has figured this out, please let me know 😊). I did have to play around with inserting my interactive activities correctly and at precise moments throughout the lesson; I would hope that as I get more comfortable using this tool, I will not need as much time adding the interactive activities correctly.

From that point on, I went on to prepare worksheets on Google Slides that students could submit back to me for review and went to select BOOM cards that I would also include in my module. I also prepared a video that walks students through both the Google Slide worksheets and BOOM cards activity where I translate a good chunk of the content for students to help them complete these assignments. Additionally, I provided one extra Quizizz for students who were wanting some extra practice.

I also created a Flip prompt/activity to go along with this module where I ask students to come up with a few of their own sentences, write them out at home, and then record themselves sharing their sentences with me. I emphasized that when they share each sentence with me, they need to also identify the subject, the verb, and the object in the sentence. This not only helps the kids review what they learned but also provides them with the opportunity to practice speaking in French. I do plan on using the kiddos’ Flip responses as a formative assessment to track their progress.

Lastly, once I had all my material prepped and ready to go, I went into my Google Classroom and set up the module for my students. I wrote up a prompt that provided instructions – this was done in English for parents to understand what to do in case they are helping their child. Adding the activities to Google Classroom was quick and efficient; we are able to add different media, videos, and links to our assignments in Google Classroom which makes it easy for the kids to locate all the activities and have access to them in one place.

Moreover, I think it is important to consider that younger students will need help gaining access to their Google accounts and log-in information. More precisely, teachers will need to walk their students through step by step all the different activities and components of their blended course before allowing them to have access. In previous years, I have set up times for whole-group instruction to take place when I am introducing a new tool, application, or website. I like to project my computer screen on the whiteboard and have students follow along on either an iPad on Chromebook depending on what is available for them to use. For example, when we started using Kahoots, we practiced how to type in the correct address in the URL bar, insert class code correctly, choose names properly, and submit answers correctly. With any new tool – especially relating to technology – it is essential to walk children through all the steps to access and use it correctly. I anticipate setting a couple of weeks aside where I walk my students through Google Classroom, BOOM cards, Quizlet, Quizizz, and Flip so we can do a couple of practice activities together before starting our modules for our blended course. Additionally, at the beginning of each module, I will be explaining all the activities so the kids know how to access all their resources on Google Classroom and feel confident completing the assignments for me from home.

Here is the link to my interactive lesson “La structure de la phrase” (sentence structure). I am excited to see what everyone else has set up!

Course Profile for French Language Arts – 2e et 3e année (French Immersion)

Welcome to my blended course prototype for French Language Arts – 2e et 3e année!


Course Overview

This course will be a blended course prototype that will align itself with French Language Arts class in a Grade 2/Grade 3 French Immersion split class setting and it will be ongoing all year long, with new lessons and activities being uploaded on Google Classroom weekly/bi-weekly depending on the needs of students. The main focus will be literacy development in French (i.e. reading, writing, and speaking) and course content will include pre-recorded lessons in French with some translation in English to ensure all students/families can follow along. Editable worksheets and interactive activities will be available to students to further their learning and help them improve their literacy skills. Furthermore, this course will complement our in-class lessons and will review the concepts we cover in French class which will assist students in improving their overall literacy skills in French. Moreover, this course prototype will also be set up so that if students were absent, missed a concept being taught, or are just needing to review they could access the lessons and course content on their own time and be able to complete the activities from home. Class instruction will take place in person (face to face) during class time in a synchronous setting and the online component provided on Google Classroom will be asynchronous and allow more flexibility to students when completing the different lessons/topics from home.


Course Rationale

French Immersion is centered around the goal of ensuring second language learners/students that have enrolled in the program from Kindergarten to Grade 12, will graduate from high school being fully bilingual in English and French; the program also emphasizes that students learn to appreciate the cultural aspects linked to French culture (Government of Saskatchewan, Bonjour Saskatchewan, 2023). All instruction at school from Kindergarten to Grade 2 is solely executed in French and English Language Arts is not introduced as a subject at school until Grade 3. From this point on, instruction is still carried out in French except for English Language Arts and once students move on to high school the required time of instruction in French decreases to accommodate instruction of additional subjects and electives. The end goal is incredibly rewarding and inspiring when you see students in Grade 12 fully capable of communicating in French and being able to carry out a number of tasks in both official languages.

As one can imagine, it can be challenging at times to ensure students receive all their instruction in French (with minimal translation) and that they are fully able to grasp the concepts being taught in class in an additional language. French Immersion Teachers are met with the task of providing instruction to their students that fits their needs and matches their language competencies in French. Students progress at their own pace and it is difficult to plan accordingly to all students’ language competency levels in French; some students pick up the content taught quickly while others require additional time to review and understand different topics. Therefore, an online course component where we can provide a blended learning opportunity for our French Immersion students could be beneficial to students encountering success within the program.

Additionally, Grade 2 and Grade 3 instruction is heavily rooted in literacy development in the areas of reading, writing, and oral competencies in French. Exposure to phonemic awareness, daily modeling (i.e. proper sentence structure, proper pronunciation, reading strategies, decoding skills, etc.), and opportunities to practice new concepts are crucial in the development of an additional language. Moreover, French materials and resources are incredibly difficult to come across for second-language learners in Saskatchewan. Thus, an online component to accompany in-person class instruction allows French Immersion Teachers to set up a learning management system that can include resources, additional interactive activities, learning material, and assessment tools all in one place that all their students can access asynchronously on their own time to review concepts covered in class as well as allow students who are absent the opportunity to review missed concepts to help them become successful in their learning journeys in French Immersion.


Target Student Population and Demographics

This course is geared toward Grade 2 and Grade 3 French Immersion students in a split classroom setting. All students are second language learners and would have started the French Immersion program in Kindergarten and in some cases Grade 1. Level of competency in French varies from student to student and the needs of each child will also vary according to their skill set. Various students have adaptations in place and ROA’s (Record Of Adaptations) to help them find success in the classroom. Diversity is present as is with many classrooms in Regina Public Schools and this should be taken into consideration when planning (i.e. Socio-economic status – access to technology/internet; etc).

There are different expectations and different curriculums used for these two grade levels that also need to be considered:

Grade 2:

  • Grade 2 French Immersion uses the Interdisciplinary Curriculum for instruction that is split up into 3 major components that guide teachers’ planning (eight possible authentic questions and Contexts, 49 outcomes, and 358 indicators); this curriculum focuses immensely on literacy development in French.
  • By the end of Grade 2, students are expected to be reading at a level 12 (GB+ testing – equivalent to Fountas and Pinnell testing in English).
  • All instruction is carried out in French; English Language Arts has not been introduced.

Grade 3:

  • The Grade 3 French Immersion curriculum follows a more “traditional” format that divides outcomes and indicators into common subjects (i.e. French Language Arts, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health, Phys. Ed, etc.).
  • By the end of Grade 3, students are expected to be reading at a level 18 (GB+ testing – equivalent to Fountas and Pinnell testing in English).
  • All instruction is carried out in French except for English Language Arts; First time that English Language Arts is being taught to students in French Immersion.


Course Format

This course will take on a blended format where there will be instances that class instruction will take place in person (face to face) during class time in a synchronous setting and there will also be an online component provided on Google Classroom that will be asynchronous in nature and allow more flexibility to students when completing the different lessons/topics from home.

As mentioned previously in the “Course Overview” section, this blended course prototype is meant to create opportunities for French second language learners in French Immersion to review and practice different topics taught in French class. This could also be used in instances where students are absent and miss instruction on a given topic in French class and then access the course content later on Google Classroom to review concepts they missed from home or in their spare time.


Course Toolset

For this course, my “Major Platform/Learning Management System” will be Google Classroom.


The following learning material will be available/posted on Google Classroom:

  • Powerpoint Presentation of concept
  • Pre-recorded lesson of PowerPoint Presentation in French (with English translation included to help all students understand/follow along): will be created with Screencast-O-Matic and Lumi
  • Both interactive and paper worksheets/workbooks (to be completed at home or in school if needing extra help/time):  created with both Word and Google Slides/Google Docs
  • Boom Cards: created on BOOM Cards
  • Quizlet activities: created on Quizlet
  • Flip video: prompt available on Flip
  • Formal evaluation – Quiz (summative assessment) to be


Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course, learners will:

  • Have made improvements in reading in French
  • Have made improvements in writing in French
  • Have broadened their vocabulary in French
  • Have improved their comprehension skills in French
  • Be able to understand and reproduce (orally and in writing) simple and complex sentences in French
  • Understand a variety of French content
  • Be able to understand grammar rules and use grammar structure in French

(more precise definition and explanation of these outcomes are mentioned below with a link to the online curriculum in French; I have provided a brief translation/explanation of these outcomes in English)

Grade 2: Les programme d’études de la Saskatchewan – 2e année (2023)

Acquérir les connaissances linguistiques et les référents socioculturels 

Résultats d’apprentissage :


Utilise :

  • les indices visuels;
  • la morphologie;
  • la syntaxe;
  • la segmentation de la phrase;
  • les syllabes;
  • la graphophonétique;
  • la sémantique pour négocier le sens et pour s’exprimer.


Utilise des organisateurs graphiques et textuels et des outils de référence pour négocier le sens d’un message et pour s’exprimer.


Utilise le vocabulaire de l’interaction et celui de ses activités quotidiennes pour exprimer ses sentiments et ses émotions.


Enrichit ses phrases simples déclaratives en démontrant un répertoire croissant de vocabulaire et d’expressions courantes ou idiomatiques.


Utilise une représentation visuelle du message pour l’aider dans son processus de négociation de sens et d’expression.


Se crée des modèles et des généralisations qu’il ou elle valide et ajuste pour découvrir les règles de la langue.


Démontre que les temps des verbes véhiculent une signification d’actions, de pensées et d’évènements dans le temps présent, passé et futur.


Distingue et utilise les règles de communication de base, y compris le vous pluriel et le tu singulier.

Grade 3: Les programmes d’études de la Saskatchewan – 3e année

Compréhension écrite 

Résultats d’apprentissage :


Dégager le contenu de divers textes :

  • le message dans une communication écrite illustrée de cause à effet, de problèmes-solutions et d’énumération;
  • les éléments dans une histoire illustrée permettant de répondre aux questions suivantes : Qui? Où? Quand? Quoi? Comment? Pourquoi?;
  • le sens global d’un court texte simple sans illustrations.


Utiliser divers moyens (stratégies, conventions linguistiques et entrées en lecture) avant, pendant et après, avec l’aide de l’enseignant ou de l’enseignante, pour :

  • se préparer à la période de lecture silencieuse personnelle;
  • sélectionner un texte;
  • comprendre un message ou un texte :
    • faire des prédictions;
    • établir des liens entre les éléments du texte et son expérience;
    • consulter des ouvrages de référence;
    • appliquer ses connaissances des conventions linguistiques;
  • réagir à un texte à caractère narratif ou poétique / ludique en faisant part de ses gouts et de ses opinions personnelles;
  • réfléchir sur son processus de lecture.

Production écrite

Résultats d’apprentissage :


Rédiger :

  • plusieurs phrases pour exprimer ses gouts et ses préférences, ou décrire un environnement ou un évènement;
  • un court texte narratif dont les personnages, le lieu, le temps et la situation initiale sont présentés.


Se servir du processus d’écriture, avant, pendant et après, avec l’aide de l’enseignant ou de l’enseignante, pour :

  • établir les paramètres de son projet d’écriture, y compris l’intention d’écriture, la structure et les composantes du texte;
  • produire un message;
  • vérifier le contenu de son message;
  • appliquer les conventions linguistiques à son écrit;
  • planifier la présentation finale de son projet d’écriture;
  • réfléchir à ce qu’il ou elle a produit.


Course Content

This course will be set up to support our French Language Arts class and it will be ongoing throughout the school year. There are 14 different topics that will be split up into 14 individual modules with some wiggle room regarding the time length we take to complete each module. Some modules may take a week or two to complete whereas other concepts that are a bit more complicated to grasp could take a few weeks to complete.

Each module will consist of the following setup:

  • PowerPoint Presentation of the new concept
  • Pre-recorded lesson of PowerPoint Presentation in French (with English translation included to help all students understand/follow along)
  • Both interactive and paper worksheets/workbooks (to be completed at home or in school if needing extra help/time)
  • Boom Cards
  • Quizlet activities
  • Flip video
  • Formal evaluation – Quiz (summative assessment) to be completed in class as a whole group.

Here are the 14 modules we will cover in this course:

  • La structure de la phrase (Sentence structure)
  • La ponctuation (Punctuation)
  • Les noms communs (Common Nouns)
  • Masculin et féminin (Gender of the word – masculin or feminin)
  • Les déterminants (Determiners)
  • Singulier ou pluriel (Singular or plural)
  • Les noms propres (Proper nouns)
  • Les noms personnels (Personal pronouns)
  • Être au présent (To be in the present tense)
  • Avoir au présent (To have in the present tense)
  • Les verbes au présent (Verbs in the present tense)
  • Les adjectifs (Adjectives)
  • Les prépositions (Prepositions)
  • Les adverbes (Adverbs)


Assessment strategies

This course will use both formative and summative assessments throughout the year to monitor student progress:

Formative assessments:

  • Worksheets/workbooks
  • Boom Cards
  • Quizlet activities
  • Flip video response (will vary according to the prompt that goes with the topic)

Summative assessments:

  • Formal evaluation – Quiz (summative assessment) to be completed in class as a whole group.


Considerations/Common Concerns

My class next year will be made up of a group of about 28-30 second language learners in Grade 2 and Grade 3 French Immersion. Each student will have their own level of competency in French and will therefore have their own needs. Some students may need to review certain concepts more times than others, while others will be ready to move on to additional activities after in-person lessons in class. In this type of setting, students will be able to work at their own pace and find a balance that works for them and determine their schedule to work from home. However, it is important to consider that in French Immersion – especially in the earlier years of the program – teachers are often translating to facilitate the comprehension of their students as well as broaden their vocabulary in French. Students could potentially encounter language barriers when completing their work at home on Google Classroom. Thus, it is essential that teachers planning to provide this type of blended instruction for a language class need to have certain tools in place – such as online dictionaries, pre-recorded lessons, etc. – to help their students navigate possible language barriers they might come across. It would also be a good idea to set some time aside throughout the school week, where students could come to check in with their teacher and seek guidance if needed in this type of instructional setting.


More precisely, teachers need to consider that in this type of setting, students will need a tablet, laptop, or computer with internet accessibility to log on to Google Classroom where they can access course material and complete interactive activities. Therefore, ensuring all students have access to the technology required to complete course content will be important seeing as we want equal opportunities for all students and if a household does not have access to a personal device at home, arrangements could be made through the school for them to borrow a school device (i.e. iPad, Chromebook) to use at home or additional time could be provided at school during moments of free time where they could access course content and complete activities.



Grade 4 (Health) Course Profile & ADDIE

Course Overview

This course covers the Health outcome USC4.6, which focuses on assessing healthy stress management strategies (e.g., relaxation skills, stress control skills, guided imagery, expressing feelings, exercising). 

  • Develop and use respectful language to talk about stress and to describe the intensity of feelings
  • Explore the responses one may experience as a result of stress
  • Recognize potentially stressful situations and examine possible reactions to the experience.
  • Describe strategies for managing stress
  • Assess healthy stress management strategies

I am providing this Grade 4 Health unit (stress strategies) in a blended learning format to ensure my students have all the resources they might need & are able access to them when or if needed (this could also be on their own time). I also believe that using online platforms provide students with a sense of privacy (ability to post or comment anonymously from their peers) and provides them the opportunity to further explore deeper understandings & research.

Photo & Resource of Student Meditation Practices

Learner Personas

Grade 4 students (lots of strong students & strengths, but a few students who are weak in reading & writing, as well as some learning disabilities). My classroom has a diverse range of students, some being pulled for extra support, with EA support, missing school, etc. Using a blended learning approach will provide my students with the opportunity to catch up & learn on their own time, when they have missed, or if they need to go back & review.

Technology adds a helpful piece when an assignment or reading can be read out loud to the student & they are given the opportunity to use voice to text (struggle to write or type) or text to voice (struggle to communicate or speak). Grade 4 is also the first grade in our division where they receive one-to-one technology within the classroom & it is encouraged to provide our students with the opportunity to better their skills & understanding on the Chromebook & more specifically within Google Classroom.

Learning Environment


  • Students will have variety on their assignments & choices
  • Students will have privacy & the chance to explore on their own 
  • Students will become more familiar with technology & how to properly navigate it
  • The teacher will have the chance to see their work in a diverse range of ways
  • Stress is a big health outcome at this grade level & finding stress strategies is a huge part of life 
  • Every student will have access to their own chromebook at this grade level


  • Students might need further instruction regarding either the lesson or the technology element
  • Teachers need to turn this into an online course, likely with limited time & support 
  • Ability to ensure every student is up to speed on how to properly use the technology 
  • Limited tech help or support when a chromebook is not working, broken, etc.

Instructional Approach & Course Layout

Lesson 1- What is Stress?

Discuss many of these terms, descriptions, and emotions in a group setting (face-to-face & Jamboard)

Lesson 2- Stress Strategy Exploration

Explore & experiment with many stress strategies (face-to-face & online)

Lesson 3- How to Tame My Anxiety Monster

Book/read aloud to pause & replay at their own needs (Google Classroom)

Create a “Worry Monster” to practice throwing away our stressors (choice of Google Document or paper)

Lesson 4- Is Stress Always Negative?

Deeper exploration on why stress happens, why it differs between each person, & why it isn’t necessarily a negative thing (face-to-face discussion & Jamboard)

Lesson 5- Mindfulness Makes Me Stronger

Book/read aloud to pause & replay at their own needs (Google Classroom)

Guided Meditation (Google Classroom)

Lesson 6- Stress Strategy Sharing

Choose the stress strategy they find most beneficial for themselves from all the strategies we have previously been exploring & share their stress strategy to create a team built stress strategy document (Google Slides)

Lesson 7- Stress Check in

Daily reflection/check in on their stress & mental health (Google Doc)

A group Kahoot to deeper their understandings & broaden their strategies

Lesson 8- What Would YOU Do?

Stress strategy word problems to reflect what their personal choice would be (Google Slides)

Lesson 9- A Little Calm Spot

Book/read aloud to pause & replay at their own needs (Google Classroom)

Art creation of their ideal calm spot

Lesson 10- Stress Show What You Know

Personal reflection on what the students have learned through this course (Google Form)

Photo & Resource for Stress Management Tips for Students


There will be ongoing formative assessment throughout each class & lesson.

I will be using my Assessment Rubric for this outcome to help my summative assessment.

The following assessment pieces will help to ensure I am reaching my triangulation of observation & properly assessing all areas.

  • Personal exploration of stress strategies (observation throughout the unit)
  • Students properly expressing their emotion & feelings regarding stressors & strategies (conversations throughout the unit)
  • Google form to reflect on their personal learning & understanding (product)

Grade 4 Health ADDIE Model

Stress Strategies in Grade 4

I have chosen to focus on Grade 4 Health, specifically looking at outcome USC4.6. This outcome focuses on assessing healthy stress management strategies (e.g., relaxation skills, stress control skills, guided imagery, expressing feelings, exercising). I have taught Grade 4 before, lots of that time however was during the pandemic, which required doing many of these activities & lessons online. I will also be teaching Grade 4 again in the fall, so I knew that was the grade level I wanted to focus on. Grade 4 is the age where lots of changes begin to happen & it can be a very overwhelming time for children. When we were online the first time I had many Grade 4’s not know how to handle the stress they were feeling & this emotion was new to a lot of them. 

I wanted to make sure my students were properly managing their stress levels & I have now made this a priority in all of my classrooms regardless of the grade or the outcome/unit. This is a life skill that needs to be understood and implemented properly and I believe this is an outcome that everyone reaches in a unique way & at diverse levels. No entire class of students will have the exact same management strategy incorporated in the same way, so I feel it is important for students to work through this with their own exploration. Of course collaboration with peers, and suggestions or discussions from the teacher is necessary, but at the end of the day our students need to find what works for them.

I think that this outcome/objective will work well in an online or blended learning format for many reasons. For starters it provides the students with the opportunity to explore & research on their own. The internet is a great place to search for strategies & tips and I can also provide some of these resources in an online format for my students to use & explore on their own time. This adds a deeper level of exploration, rather than just reading through pages then completing a booklet. I think there are so many online platforms that can be used to enhance the learning in this area & make it more interactive for each individual student. It also lets the students participate anonymously from their classmates when or if needed.

All children process and handle stress and stressful situations in such a wide range of ways. Some become emotional, some shut down, some become angry or aggressive. I think there is such an importance in respecting this diversity within children & providing them with the privacy of exploring this on their own. Karen Wallace & Patrick Lewis do an incredible job of expressing the importance of healing & growing through play, art, and narrative (PAN). Technology provides such an incredible opportunity for approaching this within the classroom. However, I do think this proves that blended learning is more beneficial than online learning for young children. I know next year there will be lots of things I will explain & share with my students regarding this topic, but I will also let my student’s explore what they need to & how they need to in order to feel safe & reduce areas of stress.

Overview for Blended Course Prototype in a Primary French Immersion Classroom 😊

After having watched our ADDIE lecture, I started reflecting on my course prototype, what I wanted it to look like, and what purpose I wanted it to serve in my teaching. As I mentioned before in my introduction, I am a French Immersion Teacher and will be teaching a Grade 2/Grade 3 split classroom this year. I anticipate using what I prepare for this class with my future students and hopefully seamlessly integrate this content into my teaching in the fall.


I should start by explaining that French Immersion is centered around the goal of ensuring second language learners/students that have enrolled in the program from Kindergarten to Grade 12, will graduate from high school being fully bilingual in English as well as French; the program also emphasizes that students learn to appreciate the cultural aspects linked to French culture and other cultures (Government of Saskatchewan – Bonjour Saskatchewan, 2023). All instruction at school from Kindergarten to Grade 2 is solely executed in French and English Language Arts is not introduced as a subject at school until Grade 3. From this point on, instruction is still carried out in French except for English Language Arts. As you can imagine, it can be challenging at times to ensure students receive all their instruction in French (with minimal translation) but the end goal is incredibly rewarding and inspiring when you see students in Grade 12 that are fully bilingual and can carry out a number of tasks in both official languages.


Therefore, I am wanting to develop a course prototype for this assignment that aligns with our French Language Arts class/Literacy focussed lessons. I plan to use Google Classroom as my learning management system because it is used throughout my school division and students will have accounts set up that can be accessed at school as well as from home. The main focus will be literacy development in French (i.e. reading, writing, and speaking) and course content will include pre-recorded lessons in French with some translation in English to ensure all students/families can follow along. I have already envisioned adding editable worksheets and interactive activities students can engage with to further their learning and that will help them advance in their literacy skills. I foresee this course complimenting our in-class lessons so I believe this will be considered a blended course because it will essentially reinforce the material we cover in class which is essential in the success of our students mastering the French language and improving their overall literacy skills in French. I also hope to set up this course in a way that I can provide material to my students/families in French to help students become more literate in French; it is a challenge to gain access to material in French and most of our parents/families do not speak French themselves so a prototype of this sort can provide additional resources/material in French for them. However, this course prototype will also be set up so that if students were absent, missed a concept being taught, or are just needing to review they could access the lessons and activities/course content at their own time and be able to complete the activities on their own.


I am looking forward to sharing my learning journey with everyone and am excited to see what others are preparing for their course prototypes. Happy planning everyone!

Changed Perspectives

I am Kennedy Loreth, well actually Kennedy Cooper as I just got married this June! I graduated from the University of Regina with my bachelor degree in 2018. From there I took a year to travel abroad to Australia & take in as much substitute teaching as I could. I loved learning all the unique teaching strategies & diverse classroom structures. As much as I enjoyed this time to further learn & gain some understanding, I was definitely eager to get into my own classroom. I started my first teaching job in September of 2019. I was teaching Grade 6 & loved every second of this experience. I took in every moment, both challenging & rewarding, and was constantly in awe of this being my job. 

Unfortunately March 2020 rolled around & Covid-19 had hit. My first teaching experience was forced to go online & I was absolutely crushed. If I’m being honest, this was a challenge for me in many ways. I felt so disconnected from my profession, my colleagues, my students and even myself. I found myself questioning my own abilities, along with my love & passion for teaching. Within the next couple of years there seemed to be lots of flopping back & forth between online & in person and each time I was reassured that online teaching was not for me. 

As much as I am even more thankful to be back in the classroom teaching, I did learn a thing or two from teaching online. I honestly do not know if I would incorporate technology to the level that I have had we not gone online during the pandemic. I’ve learned to embrace the many positives of technology, which I had previously held a negative & close minded perspective about. I’ve embraced letting my students learn, research, and create online. It has given me the opportunity to enrich my teaching skills & connect with my students in diverse ways. I’ve also learned how online and blended learning has helped me to balance a split class. 

Looking at this from the perspective of a student rather than an educator, I am very thankful for the opportunity of learning online. Again, I think we owe a lot of this to the pandemic, but I believe it has created such an ideal & unique way for us educators to continue learning. I know that the majority of these classes were previously only offered in person and since then it has opened new doors & opportunities for online & blended learning. I still appreciate & enjoy the in person classes, but being as busy as I am & living over an hour away from the university, this has provided me with realistic opportunities & many new possibilities.

On the first night of this class, my group discussed how sometimes blended learning can often feel like we are doing double the work as the educators. So then why do it? Well for me personally I believe it is because the outcome is so worth it! I believe my students are gaining more from blended learning & are also pushing themselves in new & unique ways. It gives me the opportunity to assess in various ways & to understand my students better. It also ensures we are keeping up with today’s advanced technology in beneficial ways. I’m thankful for learning as much as I have about online learning & am so eager to keep gaining a deeper understanding & seeing the benefits of using it within my classroom & teaching profession.

Hi! Bonjour! 😊

Hi everyone!


My name is Valeska and I am a French Immersion Teacher for Regina Public Schools. I have worked for Regina Public Schools since I convocated from the U of R where I obtained my Baccalauréat en éducation française. Over the past 10 years, I have taught Grade 1 at École Wilfrid Walker School, Grade 2 at École Centennial School and I will be teaching Grade 2 and 3 at École Wascana Plains School this upcoming fall. I have always looked for ways to integrate technology into my teaching – even back when I was an intern, I made a huge effort to look for different bilingual apps and programs that would not only engage my students in their learning but also support the different topics we were covering in class. Once I started teaching, my passion to bring technology into the classroom only increased and I gained experience with different technology tools such as Smartboards, Mimios, iPads, and various other software/equipment. Throughout my grad studies, I have been fortunate enough to take two other Educational Technology courses (EC&I 830 and EC&I 833) with this current course being my third class relating to technology. Educators need to consider that “technology lets us better serve the diverse learning styles of our students and educate them for a wider range of intelligence” (Turkmen, 2006).


My first experience with online learning in the classroom was when we had to shift to online learning during the pandemic. This was the first time I had to familiarize myself with programs such as Google Classroom and embrace the idea of teaching my kiddos virtually. Having always taught early elementary students, I never really needed to set up a Google Classroom or set up login information for my students. Very quickly, I had to get accustomed to the idea of setting up virtual meetings/virtual lessons on Zoom and started preparing pre-recorded lessons and instructions with digital video editing programs (i.e. Screencast-O-Matic). I also had to quickly adapt and prepare digital worksheets that my students could access on their devices and then submit back to me to review. Additionally, many French Immersion Teachers went looking for online educational applications that students could access from home that provided reading material and promoted language development in French (i.e. Je lis je lis, Boukili, Boom Cards, etc.).


When we shifted to online learning during the pandemic, one of the biggest challenges that I encountered was related to my students’ competency levels in French. One of the key elements in the success of the French Immersion program is that students need to be immersed in the language in order to attain a high level of competency in French. Students need to hear and be exposed to French in different settings throughout the school day and this needs to happen regularly as well as consistently for them to grasp the language. Unfortunately, our virtual meetings did not provide our students with sufficient exposure to the French language for them to improve or even just maintain their level of French throughout those months when we switched to online learning. Another challenge I encountered during those months of online learning was when I prepared pre-recorded lessons and virtual instructions for worksheets. Trying to anticipate questions students might have relating to the work was very tricky and it was nearly impossible to create a pre-recorded video that would answer all my students’ questions. Ensuring students understood the different concepts they were being taught also became a difficult task to achieve because, unlike the classroom, we were not there with them to answer their questions while they were completing their work.


Nonetheless, there were also many opportunities for professional growth and collaboration with colleagues during these times as well. As much work as it was to learn how to maneuver all these different tools and programs, I feel this new knowledge made me a more complete teacher. Online teaching forced me to step out of my comfort zone and research new methods, resources, and strategies to help my students in their learning journeys. I felt like I was pushed to be innovative and try new teaching techniques that I probably would not have tried in the “traditional” classroom setting (i.e. Kahoots, Flip, etc.). Moreover, I loved how online teaching created a sense of community among colleagues when we were all learning together and encouraging one another. There was lots of sharing that took place during these months as well and every time we came across new applications or created a resource, we would share it with one another immediately.


I hope to be able to use the new knowledge I acquire through this course in my teaching with my students to engage them at school and enhance their learning. I believe it is important for us as educators to stay relevant with the various resources that are available to us and that we stay up to date with all the different technology that is continually evolving. I want to be the best possible teacher I can be for my students and staying current with technology will help me attain this goal. Furthermore, I align myself with John Dewey when he stated,

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday we rob our children of tomorrow”.