Author Archives: Kavita Monga

Learning Summary: EC & I 830

Hello everyone,

To begin with, I felt like it would be worthwhile to share an account of my process in developing my learning summary for this course. That is when I felt so happy to discuss a little more of technology and in general curiosity, I searched a WeVideo app to record my summary. I probably spent that 10-12 hours editing, I even include links to make it look a bit more realistic and make sure that everything was just right. Then when I finally completed all that the app told me to do, it asked me to pay $90 for an upgraded plan, this was outrageous.

This made me get rather worried and totally demoralized which I blame for the current low self-esteem. Therefore, I had to start afresh and created a presentation on the Canva application. It was actually like doing double the work and to be honest, the entire evening I was trying to decode. Luckily, a friend on Discord gave me a solution: recording the screen. It worked wonders!

I kindly ask you not to measure me by the cover or the words that come out of my mouth. There are cases when I am afraid or under pressure that causes me to stammer and I might pause while speaking. This is the link of my video.

All of you, thank you a lot for the wonderful session. Each of you has taught me something new, and through your responses, I was able to discover new things, which made me a wiser person.

At the end, I would like to say that, If this experience has taught me anything, it’s that, while technology might provide unforeseen obstacles, it also provides great solutions. It’s all about how we decide to use it.

Have a happy Summers!!
Until Next Time!!

Technology and Society: The Equity Illusion – Isn’t More Hype Than Reality?

Hello everyone!

Today I will be sharing my views on the last debate of the topic: “Technology has led to a more equitable society“. On the face of it, it may sound like a cool thing, isn’t it? Every day we read such an amazing stories about how tech is making information accessible to everyone, people from different parts of the world are now connected, and everyone has an opportunity to be employed. And I think it’s like a wonder or sweet bullet that automatically solves all our complex issues and equalizes all of our opportunities.

The article by Suzanne K. Damarin’s highlights in her important work how solving the digital divide needs more than just providing access to technology. Her five principles for equitable technology use: parsimony (keeping technology simple and cost-effective), accessibility (ensuring that all students have access to technology), multiplicity (providing diverse technological options), separability (allowing independent use of different technologies), and full utility (maximizing technology benefits for all users). To effectively address various needs, technology must be integrated wisely and inclusively, rather than just placing a tablet in every student’s hands.

But I have a question, Can you picture a place where everyone, no matter their location, has the same knowledge, educational materials, and the same job offers? It might sound like a fairy tale!

But is it really living up to hype that has been produced around it? From my perspective, the answer is a bit more complicated, and I’m leaning towards a “no. ”

The Digital Divide is Still Huge

I agree, we have some amazing tech tools at our fingertips, but let’s be real: technology has advanced in such areas, however, not everybody is equally benefiting from these advancements. Since the nature of this technology is viewed as a human augmentation tool, there are still significant gaps concerning who is included in the class of beneficiaries. The concept of the ‘digital divide‘ is a broader concept than just the access to the technology tool or its absence. In this regard, technology gap defined by the Statistics Canada refers to a number of dimensions such as internet access, posses of the necessary device and adequate technological competency. The information clearly shows this as a battle between the ‘those who have’ and the ‘those who haven’t’ which proves that technology cannot eliminate the inequality in education.

Personal Experience:

I would like to share a part of my own experience that can illustrate this concept. I come

from India, where several of the tools and apps available in Canada were nowhere in sight for me. For instance, the student here was expecting reliable high-speed internet as a right, while in reality, in a country such as India or others, it is not; many of the educational apps or platforms that students here use were either nonexistent or prohibitively expensive. I recall using some of the online learning tools specifically during COVID times and realized that internet connection makes this very challenging or some resources are banned altogether. It was like running a race with a bag on the back while others were running the race bare foot.

Now, residing in Canada, one can see the difference categorically. Here, the scenario is somewhat more advanced and it looks like the majority of people has a possibility to get

the first-hand experience with technologies. I myself have enrolled in Virtual reality to know about skills in Regina and how to better prepare for interviews with A.I practice. I have seen and heard through many people about the Facilities available in the schools are having modern day computers, fastest form of internet connection and there is a world full of educational material on internet (not everywhere). Students here do not have to put themselves through a cycle of wondering if they will be able to download the newest learning app or if their internet connection will allow them to get through a critical online class. This seems me to be important as it highlights how biased the competition is.

Thus, if tech can create an equal society, then the message is fantastic, but the process is far from being as perfect as it sounds. Even it is not about having all new gadgets or the best internet connection possible. It is about who can fully capitalize on those tools and who is left out. And that is why I don’t believe it. What do you think?

Oh, Mr. Science and Technology, are you really making the world a level playing field as you have claimed or are you contributing to the division of society into the haves and the have nuts?

Okay, let’s have a look how it goes “Going With The Flow”..!!!

Cell Phones in Class? No Thanks!

Hello everyone!
Well!! It’s really difficult to respond whether cell phones should be allowed in classrooms

when I live in a tech-savvy society and studying in an advanced country where technology plays such a significant part and everyone is attracted to their gadgets. To be honest, I am not anti about technology even I love using smartphones and other gadgets where technology makes your tasks easier, and in the same way, our students are learning as we set an example. If I talk about the debate held yesterday, my question is in how much or at what period is it befitting for them to use their phone? Should they incorporate them in their classroom? Why? Otherwise, if they have the answer, I should record the class. My question is, why are you in a class if you do not want to listen to your teacher properly? Isn’t it an excuse! I even have a solution—I will take a video of the session myself, however your mobile should not be allowed. Another question or query comes up; “I have to text my mom, she is quite anxious!” Is it really so? What could be the answer at that point?” Asking such questions is as natural as breathing to Jules. My answer is: a particular rule that can be set is that there will be no use of cell phones in the class. The least it can be expected from a school is for parents to know that their children are safe and in the case of any incident, the school updates the information on the school app. School should be the area where technology will be used but in a wise manner.

Own experience without Cell phone

I have experience from India and in my school even teachers were not allowed to use mobile phones. In case of any emergency, then the family members of a teacher would call the coordinator’s office or the school. Phones should remain in the locker room so that we can build an environment and being an example to emulate in the students. Every time the authority of the school even limited the data to block other applications or even search engines in the computer labs. If students wanted something, an E. A. would pull up next to the child and get it on spoken permission.

There are numerous compelling reasons for students leaving their cell phones outside the classroom:

Distractions, Distractions Everywhere!

First and foremost, let’s not mislead ourselves, cell phones are like little miniatures, carry around black holes of attention. I mean, who has not gotten carried away by Instagram or twitter of even lost in the snap of a finger in TikTok? In the classroom it is exponentially multiplied. Rather than paying attention to that brilliant Science reactions, Mathematical al or the interesting story of English or history lesson, students are engaged in taking selfies, texting their friends.The teacher looks frustrated and I have to admit I would feel frustrated too in such a situation. For example, teachers at a New York high school stated that pupils who were not allowed to use their phones in class shown better interest and increased performance on assignments and assessments. The school’s principal stated that the ban on cell phones resulted in a more focused and productive learning environment.

Mental Health Matters

It is probably worthy to remember the psychological side as well. It results in anxiety and stress due to the many notifications a user has to check on the screen. The frequent disruptions prevented learning and slowed curriculum coverage. These continual distractions generated major worries about the pupils’ mental health, particularly increasing anxiety and attention issues as mentioned in this videoSchools are not supposed to cause stress in children; they are institutions where children go to learn and grow.

Banned phones in Classroom: Boosting Academic Performance

In fact, all the high school teachers across the nation face phone use in the classroom despite the district’s policies. The Non-locking pouches seem to have a possibility of reducing interference thus allowing the pupils to concentrate on learning without interference. Whenever the students are not using the screens, they are more attentive, they contribute and even understand better.

 Academic Integrity

Cell phones in classrooms become a severe concern in regards to the academic honesty.  It becomes easier for students using search engines to look for standard answers during tests, or simply use Messenger, and My word! answers can be sought on social media platforms from fellow students instead of evaluations, thus eroding trust between students and teachers.


Another disadvantage of using mobile phones is that it tops up the rates of cyber-bullying that is on the rise in learning institutions. Through phone calls, the teenagers may harass or else abuse their classmates during school or every night, which in turns brings unhealthy environment in school.


A question many teachers including me have asked; is the use of cell phones in the classrooms appropriate? To that let us look at the other side.

Despite my conviction about the general conductance of banning gadgets in class particularly the cellular phones, I think that there are advantages of allowing cellular phones for teaching purposes. Let’s look at the arguments supporting cell phone use in schools:

Improved Communication and Safety

Some believes that by having cell phones in learning institutions communication and safety can boost up. Additionally, the kids can dial their caretakers or local emergency services to guarantee that critical issues are solved quickly. Teachers also get the advantage of having interaction with administrators or the support staff during problems that require immediate intervention.

Access to Digital Resources

Cell phones are one of the most important technologies in the education since pupils in many schools cannot afford tablets and desktops. They can apply digital textbooks, educational applications, and other tools integrating with classroom learning. By allowing this, it enhances the academic standards for the students and at the same time training them on how to apply technology at their workplaces in future.

Improved communication, safety, and efficiency

Perhaps, cell phones can save lives in classrooms. During an emergency child can quickly call the parents or any emergency state helpline numbers and teachers can quickly call principals or any staff member. This means subjection of the educators *insert immediate access* and prompt reaction to significant situations; thus, enhancing the safety of the education setting for all the stakeholders. Also, using cell phones to display digital materials decreases textbook price and contributes to simple processes like attendance and scheduling. This helps pupils always to be informed and that the teachers may not be spending much of their time doing paperwork, but on teaching instead.

Final Thoughts

In the modern world of innovations, debate on whether cell phones should be allowed in schools is not a simple one. All in all, the positive impacts of technology on learning cannot be denied, although, there are risks of learners wandering off from the learning path, cases of plagiarism and even cases of learners’ health issues. Cell phone restrictions in classrooms are not punitive or from another era; they are designed to allow children a chance at success devoid of unnecessary interference. Let us assist them in maintaining the goal, reduce anxiety and get the best out their school experience. However, the use of intelligence for purpose of conversation, security and to access the virtual applications can provide considerate advantages. What must be done, therefore, is to attain a middle ground or a configuration of tech use that brings out the most gains of use yet minimizes on the negative impact of use as well.

The Big Debate: Is AI transforming education for the better or worse?

Hello everyone!

I am here with another Blog.  Today, we had a very informative discussion on the uses of AI in the educational system between the representatives of technological and pedagogical points of view. I shall share the analysis of my thoughts and beliefs that I gathered from the debate with some strong and important points emerging from different sides of the debate positioned by the debaters. This video called for a shift towards stimulating curiosity, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Let’s discuss!

 How AI Is Going to Transform Education: The Brighter Side

First, let’s define the great misconceptions of AI that were mentioned in the debate and can contribute to developing the classrooms.

1. Made exclusively for You Only and you can find many things that are designed especially for You Only here.

Just imagine, being given a one-on-one teacher that knows you, understands how you learn, and is able to give you lessons based on those aspects.

Wow!! arranging for personalize classes with every learner and offering them a favorable learning environment that suits their schedules. This is not just a concept invented in one’s mind; it’s the present day scenario that we experience daily. This persuasive video presented by our debaters to find out how the incorporation of AI has migrated education system from traditional standardized form to a more liberal form that caters for individual learners’ needs.

I myself being a teacher used BYJU’s,  Cordova learning platform and Khan academy which was login at particular Admin number and accessible by students and they used as an extra resources such as to perform online quizzes. Further, AI can analyze students’ data with a view of rating their academic performance and, in the process, identify those who are likely to drop behind so that effective early interventions can be applied. Adopting this anticipatory measures can go a long way in improving the result of the student.

2. Special Support at Any Time

These apps serves best when there is a need for extra assistance after and before class; thus, through the use of artificial intelligence in tutoring systems, the students can get the help that they need in the form of explanation, feedback, and problems as practiced by the tutors. This also means that the students can get help at the precise time they need it and hence learning becomes more effective.

3. Streamlined Administrative Tasks and More Time for Trainings

Well! As the old classroom teacher there is rarely time at the teachers’ own choice; much time is absorbed in numbering, writing, marking papers, lessons and time-tables. Here, AI can do these tasks and it would save much time for a teacher thus giving him or her more time to teach and or interact with the students. I also pointed this to when I was debating about #technologyenhanceslearning. In other words, by untying instructors’ hours, AI improves the way they become proficient at addressing the aspects of learners’ needs that prior were not met, and thus, it makes them more intelligent and efficient educators. Because of the division of responsibility, teachers can devote more time to professional growth. Engaging in professional development activities in the teachers’ own classrooms means that the teachers are familiar with the latest in technologies and teaching strategies. Machine learning can design programs, which when subscribed to by teachers, can help them determine areas that they lack sufficient knowledge in. This constant learning ensures that the teacher is always smarter and more knowledgeable than their learner in dealing with any issues that may arise or with any changes in the classroom.

4. Breaking Down Language Barriers

This point was my favorite in whole debate, by incorporating AI in translating various course material, different students with different linguistic backgrounds can effectively learn concerning courses thus conducting global understanding. To be honest, I relied on Google translator a number of times so as to hold a conversation with my landlord. She is a Chinese old lady and she cannot speak or understand any other language apart from Chinese. Actually, it is a wonderful tool for the individuals with non-standard use of English as their medium of communication. It also do help to boost up the confidence of a person and at the same time, opens up many opportunities for employment.

This transition requires thoughtful and moral consideration. UNESCO has provided valuable recommendations in this area. UNESCO’s guidelines describe critical activities to ensure AI is utilized effectively in education, such as equality and diversity, educator training, responsible usage, and collaborative development. By adhering to these principles, we can use AI’s promise to create more effective, diverse, and immersive educational experiences for all students.

The Cautionary Tale: Things That Engineers of AI in Education May Not Have Considered

Now let us turn the other side of the coin and look at reason why some are even afraid to introduce of Artificial Intelligence in education.

1. What happened to the Students – Who is Watching Them?

AI systems require a large amount of personal information which leads to different privacy issues. Daniel Buck shared with us the risks of database hacking and the ethical problem of data gathering in the teaching context. Buck demanded sound measures to shield the student’s information.

2. The biggest pet peeves for the debate as well as many other people: it’s time to stop stating, “Oh, this is a neutral color.”

One major point of concern regarding AI is the observation that it is only as accurate as the data introduced to it and if introduced to a biased data set; AI shall also be biased. Aniya Greene-Santos of the National Education Association said generative AI has its biases and discrimination buried in its algorithm. Such biases can be against the marginalized groups which then will tend to create what can be interpreted as a gap between the digital and the analogue world. The desire to implement artificial intelligence utilization in education, for the most part, follows the concern for the expenses, and there might be a void in the educational environment in which only schools who can afford to correctly buy the best application of artificial intelligence are the ones who can do it. E. Stefan Kehlenbach actually discusses these issues in their article and calls educators to think of how the advantages outweigh the costs of society.

3. AI : Can It Replace Teachers?

It has more to do with nurturing relationships and designing and nurturing the minds of those that go through a educational system. Some of the issues that have been addressed in this article include Job insecurity where through online classes it is argued that teachers are likely to lose their jobs; the financial constrain; and the over-emphasis on the use of technology. It says that it is impossible to replace a teacher in a learning process as only a person can combine academic knowledge with an individual concern.

Final Thoughts: Finding the Balance

The integration of AI in education has numerous prospects, though, we have to admit that we should do that properly. The three main points that are to be underlined include the privacy concerns in relation to the AI systems, FAIRness of the AI, and the teacher as a unique part of the educational process. Thus, there is a possibility to formulate effective strategies of education that apply the AI in the progress of learning and, at the same time, shield learners from the devastating effects of AI in their lives. Finally, it is critical to recognize the benefits that artificial intelligence can offer to education as we move forward. The goal should be to refocus and develop teachers’ ability to offer well-targeted and impactful education, rather than to replace them. Let us welcome this transition and educate our students for a future in which AI-powered education enables them to realize all that they can be.

Is social networking sites destroying the childhood?

Hey everyone!

Today, let’s dive into a topic that’s been on my mind lately: The effects of social media on childhood Many children are using social media. Being a parent and utilizing the services of a caretaker for kids makes it possible to name all the Professionals and Cons of using social networks among children. Well, then, let it be, and let’s better understand this issue that has multiple sides to it.

Professionally Speaking, the Good Side of Social Media

First of all, let it be said there is good in life. It is a fact that social media also has some advantages. It helps us to stay in touch with families and friends and this is more so for those who may be living in different parts of the world. To children, it may still be education and imagination. Sites such as YouTube or Instagram can motivate children to obtain new interests and share them by creating accounts and learning new skills or ideas doing it.

The Not-So-Good Side

But there is another scenario that has to be considered: the flip side of this coin – the negative aspects of social networks. Research has established that the excessive use of social media in the family brings about the deterioration of parent-children relations. In particular, frequent use of social networking sites leads to a greater number of quarrels with parents among children. Hence, social networking sites continuously draw users’ attention, creating less actual time with loved ones and more conflict. Notably, contrary to most other parent-child bonds, this deterioration does not affect mother-son bonds as badly as the others. Weird, right?

Mental Health Concerns

Then, there is the psycho-social effect; As someone shared on his social media he was diagnosed with severe depression and had also attempted suicide. Several clinicians have noted on negative effects of social media on teenagers indicating that social media causes them increased anxiety and lower self-esteem. As it is today it has become rather challenging for kids to grow up in society as they are confined to computer and phone screens and rarely have physical contact. The shift in schedules can prove difficult for them as they tend to find it difficult to build healthy relationships with their peers as well as proper self-esteem.

Attention Span and Addiction

Another significant area of concern is of focus span or as referred to in this study attention span. Social media is set up to be a time waster where you just continue endlessly scrolling through the content seeking something fast and easy. This may also reduce the span of concentration and thus attending to matters for a long time by children. Their brains are constantly in search of the next instant rush of dopamine up to at times, skipping lunch.

Risk Factors Associated with the Use of Social Networks

One meaningful argument discussed in yesterday’s debate concerned the receipt of several young people’s popular applications, such as Snapchat and Instagram. Some of them post every aspect of their lives on their social media, including the breakfast they took, and the latest things they are doing. Back from work or school, almost everyone, including children, is sharing these articles nonstop, which is rather alarming to watch. For example, in India, the scenarios of kidnapping of students and robberies took place as people shared their location and planned activities online. In essence, by marketing their location and schedules to the public domain, they expose themselves to criminals. This just goes on to show that there is a need to ensure that there is awareness and came when sharing information on social media platforms. As with any affliction, understanding the risks and helping children avoid the pitfalls as well as encouraging them to be more selective in the information that they put on updates can go a long way in reducing these effects.

Finding a Balance

Therefore is social media robbing children of their childhood? It’s a mixed answer. Yes, it is a marvelous tool for acquiring knowledge and making friends, but at the same time, it adversely affects children’s psychological condition, their ability to build interpersonal relationships, and their concentration levels. In this digital world, it remains the responsibility of parents and teachers to steer this generation. We have to explain how to use social networks properly, identify restrictions, and urge to devote time to other activities concerning the real world.

Final Thoughts

In the last word, it cannot be denied that social media is thriving and will continue creating its impact on societies. It is up to us to teach the kids how to manage the challenge that comes with it and benefit from the opportunities that come with it. I guess we should continue the discussion and comment on the way we manage to find that golden mean. What do you think? A lot of anger is created by Television such as Netflix, Social networking sites, cheating in exams, Facebook, Twitter, and adult sites, etc.,

Have you noticed how your kids or the children you work with have been affected by any of these social networking sites?

Drop a comment below!

Thank you for reading through, have a great day, and catch you in the next post!

Kavita Monga

Technology is Revolutionizing Learning

Hey, fellow learners!

Ever ruminated about how technology is causing a disruption in our learning? Let us have a look into the world of Edtech and its impact on classrooms; making them more interesting, intelligent, and fun. I still believe after the debate that technology has an impact on learning after today’s talk titled “Technology Has an Impact on Learning,” because:

Instantaneous access to knowledge:

Remember when you had to carry those bulky books around with you? Now students have all the information in the world with just a few clicks. From algebra to zoology there are tutorials on everything you can find on-line libraries, educational websites even You Tube. This massive proliferation helps pupils attain deep understanding of subjects at their own convenience.

Creative, Interactive Education:

Uniform education? No more! Personalized learning has been made possible by technology whereby it addresses the individual needs of students. Some like Khan Academy and Quiz let allow students to learn at their own pace hence easy understanding of the concepts. They have your back whether you are good at math, science or need help with history.

Acquiring 21st Century Competences:

The current digital age is not only about reading, writing and arithmetic anymore. In this present world, digital literacy, critical thinking and collaboration are most important.
Technological incorporation in teaching aids nourishes these talents by involving various tools and platforms which imitate real life scenarios. The coding apps, virtual labs and collaborative online projects can be thought of.

Learning that is Interactive and Engaging:

Let’s be honest about it; occasionally conventional lessons can be quite dull but with technology learning becomes alive. Games for education, virtual reality (VR) and multimedia presentations make learning fun. Imagine wearing a VR headset to see ancient Rome or playing a fun game by solving math problems or learning planting trees or surgeries.

Global Connectivity:

Classroom walls have long ceased being walls just thanks to technology. Students can collaborate with their peers, instructors, and experts from many other countries globally. Their classmates from across the planet may become their partners in projects through video conferencing apps such as Zoom or collaborative platforms like Google Classrooms which will enable them to have a better understanding of diverse perspectives and cultures worldwide.

Instant Feedback and Quick Learning:

Anticipation for the test results is quite intense. Nevertheless, current technology allows fast feedback. Students’ online quizzes plus assignments can easily be marked by machines thereby providing them with immediate insight into their success of which this helps identify improvement areas leading to efficient learning.

Preparing for Tomorrow’s Jobs:

Technology cuts across nearly all careers today. By incorporating tech in education, students become conversant with workplace tools and procedures that they will deal with later in life. Such skills as spreadsheet use, coding or digital design provide a head start for these students regarding their future careers.

Information Age – Tech Vs Traditional Skills:

Others are afraid that traditional schooling may get outplayed by technology. However, an equilibrium school of thought guarantees the best of both worlds for learners. For example, research work and interactive learning could involve using digital tools while traditional ways like writing by hand or face-to-face talks would still build basic knowledge base.

Final Thoughts:

Technology in classrooms enhances education. It provides a wide range of information to students, personalizes learning for each student and equips them with important skills for the modern world. But this is not a smooth ride always as people are concerned that it might hinder creativity, over-reliance on devices by children and even influence mental health.

These are real issues we cannot avoid. Nevertheless, if tech is used wisely we can address these problems. We need to instruct kids how to utilize digital equipment , encourage them to reason critically , and achieve a balance between online time and traditional instruction methods.

This way, we can get the good stuff from tech without the bad stuff taking over. In the end when people use technology and with a plan, it can shake up education for the better. It can make learning more fun, easier to get to, and work better for students all over the world. The trick is to find the sweet spot and make sure tech helps out instead of taking over, the old ways of teaching.

Comment below to share your thoughts with me. I’d love to hear from you!

Happy Learning!

Stay Tuned!

Kavita Monga

A Day in Kavita’s Life:

Hey everyone, Welcome to my blog!
As a first-time blogger, I’m enthusiastic to showcase my everyday schedule by emphasizing the role of technology in my daily activities. This is my daily schedule:

Morning: Beginning with a Positive Start

I am an early bird and starts my day early with some worship, listening to spiritual songs on YouTube to create a positive mood.
Checking my phone for messages and notifications is next on the agenda. WhatsApp, Snapchat, and Instagram keep me connected with my family and friends back in India through video calls. It’s so important for me to see them regularly, especially since my parents are alone back home. Their conversations, filled with warmth and shared experiences, set a positive tone for my day. We have also set up some cameras in our house to monitor them and stay connected with their daily activities and whereabouts. Thanks to technology, I am able to maintain close relationships despite the distance.

Work Time: Daycare and Home

I work at a daycare, where I utilize numerous applications to keep the children involved and improve their learning experience. Getting to work is convenient with public transportation, and applications like Google Maps and Local Transit help me stay informed about bus schedules accurately, ensuring punctuality.

When I’m not at the work, I’m preparing for a class assignment. My laptop is a reliable companion that assists me in opening e-books, accessing online resources from URLibrary, and using Google Scholar to locate peer-reviewed articles. Zoom is the main tool that I use to stay connected with my EC& I 830 class, facilitating virtual meetings and group discussions for seamless collaboration with Professor and classmates.


Evening: Me Time and Family Time

Evenings are all about my time with my family. I love spend time with husband and son. My son is incredibly creative and he loves c
rafting things that he sees on YouTube. Watching him creating new things everyday brings me immense joy, and it has become a cherished part of our daily routine. Before bedtime, I love listening soothing music that helps me relax after a busy day. I wrap up by reviewing my schedule and planning for the next day.

Staying Updated and Connected


I love exploring Instagram’s reels and staying updated through Twitter and news websites. My routine is pretty consistent during weekdays, and technology is at the heart of everything I do; from staying connected with family to teaching and learning at work.

Hope you enjoyed getting a peek into my day!

Until next time,