Category Archives: EC&I 830

Take Away : Learning Summary. EC&I 830

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my learning summary. I can not believe we have come to an end of this journey. I did not have any idea what I am about to learn. I knew it would be somewhat about technology. At first I was feeling, this is not my cup of tea. But thanks to professor Katia, she made it easy. I got deeper understanding of association of technology and education, as I discussed with my friend and mentor Mishti after the debate. She is the one who recommended me to take this course.

When I was signing up for the debate, I was thinking what left to debate for these topics. Because it felt there is nothing to debate. Every statements seemed to be true! We have debated on five contemporary issues of educational technology. Like technology enhances education, social media ruining childhood, AI technology revolutionizes education for the better, cell phone should be banned in class room and finally technology has led to a more equitable society.

Eventually as I heard from both sides, my opinion got shifted. Debaters made think there is no right or wrong answers in terms of technology. As long as we know how to use them appropriately. It is true technology also comes with its baggage. Change is always unsettling. So blending and balancing our life-style with technology is tricky. It will take lots of work.

The world of technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, shaping the way we work, communicate, learn and live. It will evolve regardless where we stand. When it comes to technology, some people may feel it is taking over our lives and that we need to go back to the analog ways of the past, but I don’t see technology as a problem. I feel we should be flexible and embrace it both personally and professionally.

The current generations only know the world as Internet and screen-based. These kids are used to gaining information with a mere tap on a screen. It’s very different than how things used to be done and even more different than how we could’ve ever imagined. We need to educate our new generation with these new digital tools in order to maximize their potential and give them ownership of their own academic trajectory. Students have more voice than ever before, and showing them how to use it in positive and learning-inclined ways can empower them to success.

In my learning summary video, I have discussed the comprehensive overview of the debate topics. Please excuse my amateur work. I know I look like a zombie in there and I do not want to go into details of all typical obstacles while making this video. For the record, tried to film  probably more than 50 times and my laptop  probably hanged 6/7 times along with other things.

I want to thank you all my classmates and professor Katia. Have a good day. Stay safe.



Navigating the Future: Integrating Cutting-Edge Technology in Today’s Classroom

Summary of Learning

Today, I am excited to share my learning journey in the EC&I 830 course. This course has been a transformative experience, allowing me to delve even deeper into the intersection of technology and education. Through various debates, assessments, and reflections, I have gained valuable insights I am eager to share.

View my Summary of Learning here:

Engagement with Technology in Education

Throughout the course, we critically examined the role of technology in education and its impact on the classroom environment. One significant theme was the digital divide and its impact on equitable access to educational resources. Reflecting on the blog post titled Bridging the Digital Divide: Reflections on an Equitable Technology Debate, I realized the importance of addressing not just the availability of devices but also reliable internet access and digital literacy training. In my classroom, I plan to advocate for programs that provide devices to students who lack them and to work closely with community organizations to ensure students can access reliable internet. Additionally, incorporating digital literacy into the curriculum will help students navigate and utilize technology effectively and responsibly.

A crucial aspect of engaging with technology in the classroom is ensuring that students have access to the tools and understand how to use them properly. As a teacher, I must teach the proper use and full potential of each educational technology I integrate into my lessons. This includes providing clear instructions, offering hands-on training sessions, and continuously supporting students as they become proficient users of these technologies. By doing so, I can help students maximize the benefits of educational technology and enhance their learning experiences.

The debates on the impact of technology in the classroom were particularly enlightening. Drawing insights from The Great Debate on Technology in the Classroom, it became clear that while technology can enhance learning, it requires careful planning and professional development for effective integration. For example, interactive whiteboards and educational apps can make lessons more engaging and interactive. However, technology should support pedagogical goals rather than distract or disengage students. Therefore, I plan to integrate technology to complement my teaching objectives, such as using digital tools for collaborative projects, simulations, and virtual field trips that enhance the curriculum content.

Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Considerations

Another crucial topic was the integration of artificial intelligence in education. In the blog post AI in Education: Revolutionizing Learning or Risking the Future?, I explored the potential of AI to personalize learning and automate tasks. AI-driven tools can provide personalized learning experiences by adapting to individual student needs and offering real-time feedback, significantly enhancing learning outcomes. For example, I can tailor lessons to fit each student’s pace and learning style using AI-powered platforms like adaptive learning software. However, this potential comes with ethical concerns, such as data privacy, the risk of algorithmic bias, and the need for transparency in AI decision-making processes.

To address these, I will ensure that any AI tools used in my classroom comply with privacy laws and ethical standards, and I will educate my students about the implications of AI in their learning. Additionally, I will emphasize that AI is meant to be used as a tool to guide learning, not as a shortcut to avoid learning. Teaching my students to use these tools properly will help set them on an ethical path, ensuring they understand the importance of using technology responsibly and effectively to enhance their educational journey.

Cell Phones in Education

The impact of cell phones in the classroom was another significant area of exploration. In the blog post The Impact of Cell Phones in the Classroom, I reflected on how cell phones can be both a valuable educational tool and a source of distraction. The key takeaway was the importance of developing clear policies and strategies to manage cell phone use, ensuring they contribute positively to the learning environment. For instance, implementing a ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) policy can allow students to use their phones for educational purposes such as research, collaboration on group projects, and accessing digital textbooks. However, setting boundaries and establishing guidelines to minimize distractions is crucial, such as designating specific times for cell phone use and encouraging responsible digital citizenship.

I am against banning phones in classrooms because they can offer significant educational benefits. However, I understand that each teacher and their classroom management techniques are responsible for cellphone usage. It is up to teachers to create an environment where cell phones are used productively and where students are taught to use them responsibly.

Overall Reflections

Reflecting on the entire EC&I 830 course, I noted how the course challenged us to think critically about the role of technology in education. It pushed us to consider ethical implications, equity issues, and the long-term impact of our technological choices. The debates and assessments fostered a deeper understanding of the benefits and challenges of integrating technology into our teaching practices. For instance, the debate on the digital divide highlighted the disparities in access. It motivated me to seek innovative solutions, such as partnering with local businesses to provide resources and creating after-school programs focused on digital skills.

It is essential to continue learning about the depths of educational technology and the surrounding context to stay updated with the ever-evolving digital world. This ongoing learning will better equip me to support my students and adapt to new challenges and opportunities.


In conclusion, the EC&I 830 course has been an eye-opener, providing me with valuable insights into the complexities of technology in education. It has equipped me with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital landscape thoughtfully and responsibly. My biggest takeaway has been the realization that technology, when used thoughtfully and ethically, has the power to transform education and bridge gaps. As I move forward, I am committed to advocating for equitable access to technology, critically assessing new tools, and ensuring that our use of technology always aligns with our educational goals and values. This journey has deepened my understanding and reinforced my commitment to being a reflective and adaptive educator who leverages technology to enhance learning while addressing its challenges head-on.

Thank you for listening. I look forward to continuing this journey of learning and growth with you.

“Keep pushing the limits when it comes to learning more about technology in the classroom. Start the conversations and keep them going. Challenge others’ perspectives and allow them to challenge yours. This is the work that matters for navigating the digital world.” – Ally

The Sum of the Learning!

Reflecting on how much we have covered in this class in such a short time, I realized it was incredibly difficult to do justice to what I have learned in this video! I could have talked at length about each debate. Instead, I stuck with the similarities I noticed across all the debates and where I think we can move forward. The one thing we know for certain is that the world has changed, and whatever side of the Great EdTech Debates we landed on, we are all tasked with supporting our children and students in navigating a digital world.

It has been wonderful meeting and working with you all! I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer.

The Impact of Cell Phones in the Classroom

Strong arguments exist on both sides of the ongoing debate about the role of cell phones in the classroom. The discussion is crucial as it touches on significant aspects of student learning, mental health, classroom management, and technology integration in education. Here’s a reflection on the key points presented by proponents and opponents of allowing cell phones in schools.

Agree: Cell Phones as a Distraction

Cognitive Load and Physical Separation

One of the most compelling arguments against cell phones in the classroom is their significant impact on students’ cognitive load. A 2017 study demonstrated that even when phones were not in use and notifications were turned off, their mere presence was enough to occupy mental space. This finding suggests that the automatic attention drawn by phones can impede learning, making physical separation crucial for optimal academic performance.

Notification Overload

An experiment conducted by a middle school teacher with her grade six students revealed startling results. Over a period of 40 minutes, 30 students received 662 notifications, averaging 22 notifications per student. This constant barrage of alerts led to increased arousal levels, longer learning times, and significant challenges in covering the curriculum. Moreover, the mental health implications of such frequent disruptions cannot be overlooked, as the constant alerts can cause stress and anxiety among students.

Classroom Distractions

High-school teachers often struggle with the challenge of cell phone use in the classroom. Despite district-wide prohibitions, enforcement tends to be lax, leading to continuous distractions. In response, some districts have adopted non-locking pouches to store phones during class time, a practice gaining national traction. This approach aims to balance the need for focus with the reality of cell phone presence, potentially reducing distractions and improving student engagement.

Disagree: Cell Phones as Educational Tools

Emergency Communication and Professional Use

On the other side of the debate, there are strong arguments for allowing cell phones in the classroom, primarily for their role in emergency communication. Teachers need immediate access to their phones to handle emergencies, communicate with authorities or parents, and manage urgent situations effectively. By using cell phones responsibly, teachers can model appropriate usage for students, demonstrating how to balance technology with professionalism.

Enhancing Learning and Safety

Proponents also argue that cell phones can significantly enhance learning by providing access to digital resources, especially in schools lacking sufficient tablets or computers. Cell phones enable students to contact parents in emergencies and facilitate better communication between students and teachers. Additionally, cell phones can reduce school costs by replacing physical textbooks with digital materials and help streamline administrative tasks, preparing students for a tech-driven future.

Student Perspectives on Mobile Learning

Research by Gikas and Grant (2013) highlights that a majority of students view mobile devices as essential for academic success. These devices help access course content, improve communication, and provide flexibility in learning. However, the research also acknowledges challenges such as technical issues and potential distractions, underscoring the need for effective classroom management and policies to integrate technology smoothly.

Personal Experience and Perspective

From personal experience, cell phones can indeed cause numerous issues in the classroom, including distractions and disruptions. However, I firmly believe that banning cell phones entirely is unnecessary and counterproductive. Effective classroom management is key to addressing these challenges. Teachers should be empowered to manage cell phone use individually, employing strategies that work best for their unique classroom dynamics. By setting clear expectations and modelling appropriate phone usage, teachers can teach students how to responsibly integrate technology into their learning environment.

What are your thoughts on banning cellphones in classrooms?


The debate on cell phones in the classroom is multifaceted, involving considerations of cognitive load, classroom management, emergency communication, and the potential benefits of technology in education. While the arguments against cell phone use focus on distractions and mental health concerns, the proponents highlight the importance of emergency communication and the educational benefits of mobile devices. Balancing these perspectives requires nuanced policies that maximize the advantages of technology while minimizing its potential drawbacks. Instead of outright bans, a more flexible approach that emphasizes individual classroom management can better address the complexities of this issue.

Learning Summary: EC & I 830

Hello everyone,

To begin with, I felt like it would be worthwhile to share an account of my process in developing my learning summary for this course. That is when I felt so happy to discuss a little more of technology and in general curiosity, I searched a WeVideo app to record my summary. I probably spent that 10-12 hours editing, I even include links to make it look a bit more realistic and make sure that everything was just right. Then when I finally completed all that the app told me to do, it asked me to pay $90 for an upgraded plan, this was outrageous.

This made me get rather worried and totally demoralized which I blame for the current low self-esteem. Therefore, I had to start afresh and created a presentation on the Canva application. It was actually like doing double the work and to be honest, the entire evening I was trying to decode. Luckily, a friend on Discord gave me a solution: recording the screen. It worked wonders!

I kindly ask you not to measure me by the cover or the words that come out of my mouth. There are cases when I am afraid or under pressure that causes me to stammer and I might pause while speaking. This is the link of my video.

All of you, thank you a lot for the wonderful session. Each of you has taught me something new, and through your responses, I was able to discover new things, which made me a wiser person.

At the end, I would like to say that, If this experience has taught me anything, it’s that, while technology might provide unforeseen obstacles, it also provides great solutions. It’s all about how we decide to use it.

Have a happy Summers!!
Until Next Time!!

Future of Education With AI Technology


Debate#3: AI technology will revolutionize education for the better

Everybody knows that technology is moving quickly and changing our world at an ever-accelerating pace. At present, the blending of artificial intelligence (AI) and education is not a future possibility anymore; it is a powerful tool in students’ lives to help them be successful in school, work, and life.

Portrait of a Young Female Professor Explaining Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Research Project in a Dark Room with a Screen Showing a Neural Network Model. Computer Science Education in CollegeThe beauty of using AI in the education sector is imminent, and there are many advantages to using AI technology in this field. For example, instead of replacing human-led teaching in the classroom, AI can enhance and automate administrative activities, allowing teachers to concentrate more on instruction and individualized interactions with students. AI enables teachers to shift from spending 80% of their time on administrative work to 80% on instructional activities. According to a 2018 National Institute of Education and Administration (NUEPA) research titled “Involvement of Teachers in Non-teaching Activities and its Effect on Education,” government instructors in the nation only devote 19.1% of their working hours to actual teaching. Instructors can speed up the assessment process, provide students with quick feedback, and encourage more focused involvement by utilizing AI capabilities, thereby enhancing students’ learning outcomes.

Artificial Intelligence use case in Education with College student being assisted by a chat bot for learning and homework. Personal tuition by AI illustration. Generative AI

Students can enhance their digital literacy, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills using AI at their own pace. AI can personalize learning by adjusting to each student’s individual speed and learning style, recognizing strengths and areas for improvement, and providing customized help and feedback. Moreover, it can help teachers create individualized education plans for students and save time and resources.



I wish we could have the same opportunity when I was in medical college. I used to study atlas to learn human anatomy. I used my imagination before I had first hand experience on cadaver. Thankfully AI technology is available now for students and they can harness their skills with practice.

However, there are some downsides to revolutionizing education with AI. Students from underprivileged backgrounds might not be able to access this type of technology, which can create disparities among students across different regions and socioeconomic backgrounds. AI technology can sometimes reduce creativity and the amount of personal interaction between students and teachers. AI bias is a potential threat for people around. According to IBM non-native english spoken students are accused of cheating due to AI bias. Scientists from MIT found that for some particular job, a language model identifies flight attendant, secretary and physician’s assistant are feminine jobs. On the other hand fisherman, lawyer, judge jobs are only for men.

To mitigate the downsides of AI usage, AI applications in education need to be created cooperatively and with equity. This approach will help address inequalities that exist between different groups of people and ensure that all students can benefit from them. In addition to using AI tools for educational purposes, it is essential to teach students about AI in general, including how to create AI technologies and recognize possible risks.


Bridging the Digital Divide: Reflections on an Equitable Technology Debate

Debating the role of technology in creating a more equitable society is both a challenging and enlightening experience. Recently, I found myself on the “agree” side of this debate, tasked with advocating for the equitable use of technology in education. This was no easy feat, especially considering the formidable arguments presented by the “disagree” side, which highlighted the complexities and pitfalls associated with technology integration. Nevertheless, I believe the discussion underscored the crucial role technology can play in leveling the educational playing field when implemented thoughtfully and inclusively.

The Agree Side: Advocating for Equity Through Technology

In preparing for the debate, I drew extensively from several key readings. Suzanne K. Damarin’s (2000) article, “The ‘Digital Divide’ Versus Digital Differences: Principles for Equitable Use of Technology in Education,” was foundational. Damarin argues that addressing the digital divide is not simply about providing access to technology but ensuring that all students can benefit from its use. She introduces five principles for equitable technology use: parsimony, accessibility, multiplicity, separability, and full utility. These principles are designed to guide educators in integrating technology in ways that are cost-effective, inclusive, and tailored to the diverse needs of students.

Additionally, the article “Improving Education for a More Equitable World: Futurist Perspectives” by Li and Liang (2024) highlighted the persistent inequalities in education due to factors like income, gender, and race, exacerbated by crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. This piece emphasized the importance of a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to educational improvement, incorporating comparative and international perspectives.

Monica Sulecio de Alvarez and Camille Dickson-Deane (2018), in their work “Avoiding Educational Technology Pitfalls for Inclusion and Equity,” discuss the importance of designing technology integration from a cultural perspective. They argue that educational technology should empower learners and support deep, meaningful learning experiences, avoiding pitfalls like viewing learners as mere consumers of technology or ignoring learners’ autonomy.

The Disagree Side: Highlighting the Complexities

The opposing side raised several critical points. The documentary “Without A Net” discusses the challenges of securing up-to-date devices, connectivity, and teacher training in the USA, highlighting the limitations of simply providing technology without adequate support. The article “Shaping Youth Discourse About Technology: Technological Colonization, Manifest Destiny, and the Frontier Myth in Facebook’s Public Pedagogy” argues that large social media companies perpetuate colonial behaviors by shaping user identities, presenting ethical concerns about technology’s role in education.

The Digital Divide in Canada,” a quantitative study by Statistics Canada, provides data showing the gap in internet use and access, underscoring the disparities between the “haves” and “have-nots.” These points were compelling and underscored the need for a nuanced approach to technology integration.

Personal Reflections: The Private School Experience

As a high school math teacher at a private school where technology is integrated into every classroom, I’ve witnessed firsthand how access to technology can create a more equitable learning environment. Our school mandates that every student has access to a computer, and for those who cannot afford one, the school provides the necessary devices. This policy ensures that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds, have equal access to the tools they need to succeed.

In my classroom, technology has transformed the learning experience. Interactive simulations, online resources, and collaborative tools have made math more engaging and accessible for all students. The ability to tailor learning experiences to individual needs through adaptive software has been particularly beneficial, allowing each student to learn at their own pace and style. This experience has reinforced my belief in the potential of technology to foster educational equity when implemented thoughtfully and supported adequately.

Navigating the Debate: An Uncomfortable but Enlightening Journey

Being on the “agree” side of this debate was challenging, especially when faced with the nuanced and well-supported arguments of the “disagree” side. It was uncomfortable to navigate the complexities and acknowledge the legitimate concerns about technology’s role in perpetuating inequalities and ethical issues. However, this discomfort was also enlightening. It underscored the importance of not only advocating for access to technology but also ensuring its effective and equitable use.

The debate highlighted that while technology alone is not a panacea, it can be a powerful tool for promoting educational equity when combined with comprehensive strategies that address connectivity, training, and cultural responsiveness. By focusing on these aspects, we can harness the potential of technology to bridge the digital divide and create a more inclusive and equitable educational landscape.

In conclusion, the debate on the role of technology in education is complex and multifaceted. It requires a balanced approach that considers both the opportunities and the challenges. My experience at a private school has shown that with the right policies and support, technology can indeed lead to a more equitable society. However, this requires ongoing commitment, thoughtful implementation, and a willingness to address the underlying issues that contribute to the digital divide.

Minions of Cell Phone

Do our kids really need their phone in the class room? Does the benefit of technology outweigh the most concerning issue of using cell phone during the lecture ? Well, this debate could go on. Lots of people have different opinion, whether the cell phone should be banned in the class room. Few people supports that it should be banned in the class room. At the same time some believe that it is important for kids to learn proper way to use cell phone and technology.

Cell phone was not readily accessible when I was in school. Still it became a major part of my life and I can not imagine a day without it. This little device inextricably woven into our daily lives. When we became so addicted? When I am facing difficulty to avoid screen time, it is definitely challenging for the kids.

Classroom is a place for learning, social interaction and development. Kids learn from what they see, do and practice. Where the cell-phone allows the freedom to gather information, at the same time, however, it can lead to dependence. Nowadays a very common picture is tilted head children browsing phone.

Cell phone addiction concept. Many teens hold smart device. Social media like obsession. Online communication problem. People watch mobile gadget screen. Cyberspace internet network. Bad habit.

Our opposing team mentioned, students can access to different tools that aid the learning process. I won’t deny technology is essential for education. Students work on  PPT and learn from YouTubeGoogle drive is common platform to work simultaneously in multiple projects.  Kahoot is a fun tool which I have used to make quizzes. Mentimeter is also frequently used during the class presentation. They can also collaborate with friends from different class.

During our debate, some proposes that there should be a good management system in class, so that kids do not misuse the device. According to my fellow classmates cell phone not only helps in learning but also ensures safety. Like kids can communicate with their parent during emergency etc. There is no doubt that technology holds immense power to navigate us to learn new things everyday. Thus access to the cell phone in class seems quite beneficial.

Our new generation never experienced a day without the technology. So the argument about either banning cell phone use or allowing them to use phone is old concern. Everyone is pressing on educating the students to use the cell phone/ technology/ social media appropriately with caution.

To be honest it was not easy debating on this topic. Research paper includes both pros and cons of using cell phone/devices or technology and the impact on education. I inclined more on banning cell phones in class and no I am not being cynical. My reason for not allowing cell phone in class rooms are as following-

1. Distraction and Reduced Focus: Most concerning issue about using the device in class room is it creates disruption in learning process. Students constantly check their phone for popped up notifications. They either text their friends or send pictures. Some students go online shopping and involve adjacent classmates for their opinion. Few kids may really use it for academic purpose. Nevertheless it can interrupt other people that includes the teacher as well. One of the primary arguments for banning cell phones in schools is the distraction they cause. Text messages, social media notifications, and games can divert students’ attention away from their studies. Research has shown that multitasking with electronic devices can reduce cognitive performance and impede learning.


2. Cyberbullying and Social Issues: Cell phones can facilitate cyberbullying, leading to emotional distress and social issues among students. The anonymity and immediacy of digital communication can exacerbate conflicts and negatively impact the school environment.


3. Academic Dishonesty: The ease of accessing information online can lead to increased instances of cheating. Students might use their phones to look up answers during exams or share test questions with peers, undermining academic integrity.




Sleepy exhausted woman lying in bed using smartphone, can not sleep. Insomnia, addiction concept. Sad girl bored in bed scrolling through social networks on mobile phone late at night in dark bedroom


4. Sleep Deprivation: Excessive use of cell phones, especially before bedtime, can interfere with sleep patterns. Poor sleep quality affects students’ concentration, memory, and overall academic performance.



5. Reduced Face-to-Face Interaction: Constant use of cell phones can diminish opportunities for face-to-face interaction and the development of social skills. Engaging directly with peers and teachers is crucial for building effective communication and interpersonal relationships.


6. Physical health problem: Among many physical health concern postural problem is alarming. Stiff neck, hunched back, hand arthritis, ‘text claw’/cubital tunnel syndrome, lazy eye, sleep deprivation, headache etc.

7. Behavioural Disorder: Social anxiety disorder can be triggered by using cell phone. It is now more common in children. Nomophobia and Textaphrenia, Ringxiety are NEW behavioral problems and disorders in teens. De-Sola Gutierrez et al. (2019 ) mentioned in his study that adolescent children are more vulnerable to control their urge. They are simply captive my their dependency.

8. Mental Health Disorder: A study (hasempour & Mahmoodi-Aghdam, 2015) shows positive association between depression and addiction to use of cell phone among university students. According to the researchers, students who are more attached with the cell phone exhibit the tendency of social isolation, limitation of emotions and distrust. Ironically they also found this pattern in turn leads to addiction to communication technologies and devices even more.

9. Breach of privacy: Kids often post their pictures in the social media including class room. They share photos of the friend, family and everything that surround them. In social media links or cookies pop up and those are not always safe. Confidential information can be leaked by just one click. Many sites offer prizes and bonus which can lure innocent kids and become more prone to cyber attack.

3D rendering Glowing text Ransomware attack on Computer Chipset. spyware, malware, virus trojan, hacker attack Concept

10. Poor academic performance: Students get more dependent on technology and phone in class diminishing the ability to think. Lot of the students uses AI technology for education, resulting lack of creative thinking. As children can use the phones to record the lectures and believe they can find the study material from elsewhere, they do not bother taking notes or fail to concentrate in the class. It also drive students to think memorizing the lecture word by word is learning, which is not.  Eventually unable to gather the basic concept.

Is banning the cell phone in class useless ?

However, while I can not support that students should engage with their device in the class, at the same time I can not overstate the valid points to allow the item in the school. 

Educational Tool: If cell phones are used responsibly, it can be powerful educational tools. They provide access to a wealth of information, learning apps, and resources that can enhance learning and foster independent research skills.

Emergency Communication: Cell phones serve as vital communication tools during emergencies. Students can quickly reach their parents in case of unpredictable events, ensuring safety.

Digital Literacy: In a world increasingly driven by technology, digital literacy is crucial. Allowing cell phones in schools helps students develop the skills needed to navigate and critically assess digital information, preparing them for future.

Innovative Teaching Methods: Cell phone not only helps students but teachers as well. They can leverage cell phones for interactive and engaging teaching methods. Polls, quizzes, and educational games can be conducted via mobile apps, making learning more dynamic and interesting.

Personal Organization: Cell phones help students stay organized by managing their schedules, setting reminders, and taking notes. These organizational tools can improve time management and academic performance.

Striking a Balance

Rather than implementing an outright ban, schools can consider establishing clear guidelines and policies for cell phone use. Here are some strategies to strike a balance:


1. Break/ Breathing Times: Schools can designate specific times and areas for the students where they can use cell phones. For instance, during class breaks, lunch breaks. I can speak from my experience. Dr. Abu from my last two semesters allowed every student 15 minutes break in class to relax. We used to interact with each other, and some could check their notifications. Me and my friend often checked the bus schedule. A similar approach can minimize the distractions during instructional time.

2. Educational Integration Under Supervision: Teachers can integrate cell phone use into their lessons, encouraging students to use educational apps and online resources under supervision. This fosters responsible use and maximizes the educational potential of mobile technology.

3. Digital Media Literacy: Schools should provide education to teach students about responsible and ethical use of technology. This includes understanding the implications of cyberbullying, protecting personal information, and maintaining academic integrity. At the same time explaining the consequences of defying them.

4. Parental Contribution: Parents should participate to establish consistent rules and expectations for cell phone use both at school and at home. Parental support is crucial in reinforcing responsible behavior.

The debate over banning cell phones in schools is multifaceted, with valid arguments for both sides. Striking a balance through policies, educational integration, digital media literacy, and parental contribution can help harness the advantages of mobile technology while minimizing its drawbacks. Our purpose should be creating a learning environment that supports both academic success and personal development.



Technology Has Long Way To Go

Debate#5 : Technology has led to a more equitable society

Airport wifi Zone

To me technology means communication. I know it has different meaning to every individuals. Airport is the place where I feel the value of technology. Whenever I travelled and waited in the transit area or arrived in destination, first thing I did is connecting wi-fi. I am sure all of us did that. One time I was in Dubai and despite of having wi-fi connection, I could not talk with my family. Apparently from Dubai we can send text or voice message, but can not make a video call. I never felt so helpless. So here is the dilemma about technology and equitable society.

Technology holds immense potential to create a society more equitable. In rapidly evolving world, the role of technology is undeniable. From dawn to dusk, in every aspects of the world depends on it. It creates opportunities for all. Technology covers education, health care, business, scientific invention, farming, banking, entertainment, and communication all these sectors. Access to the internet and mobile technology brought revolutionary changes.

Business farmer use technology to monitoring in farm using technology of big data, climate condition, Smart and new technology for agriculture business concept.

Farmers from rural areas can gather information that will enhance their skills and yield produce more than before using technology.

Education learning and technology, Artificial intelligence for modern learning concept, Young women use laptop learning with online application Communication and knowledge exchange through video


Students can use internet and different educational tools to upgrade their knowledge and skills. For example they can learn different language by using learning app such as Duolingo. More over students with disabilities can use the technology and prepare for the real world. Children from remote area can develop themselves by virtual learning. 


Beautiful asian woman learn to cook chocolate cake, video recipes on a laptop in the kitchen, online learning cooking at home concept


Youtube is a popular platform to obtain various information. Ranging from educational, cooking, make-up and skin care routine, legal information and many more. You need to know anything? You just name it, look up online, there you go….. You can find countless videos about anything. Nowadays influencer, vlogger, and entertainer these are most hyped profession.


Mom showing baby's fever to doctor through telemedicine call


Telemedicine and digital health technologies have transformed healthcare delivery, making it more accessible and affordable. Remote consultations and health monitoring apps allow people in underserved areas to get basic medical care without the need to travel long distances.



Online shopping sites are pretty popular these days. Amazon and ebay are world famous sites for online shopping. Facebook market place is also a place where anyone can find a place to rent and buy used items in cheaper price.

Young attractive asian female holding shopping bag feeling excited, happy and amaze on beauty or fashion online store discount promotion with concept tech on omnichannel e-commerce thru mobile screen.

So yes technology can create an equitable society. But we live in a real world. Not everyone has the same capacity and access to the technology. Some schools even does not have a single computer. In a small village of Ghana, a teacher of information and communication technology (ICT) teaches technology in his class by drawing on blackboard. Thankfully they have a passionate teacher like Richard. But everyone is not that fortunate. If people does not have the ability to get the internet, they are already on a loosing side of a battle. Where one side is developing and reaching space, the other side is barely making lives.

Research shows adolescents belong to high socioeconomic status and their father have better education, use computer intensively and accomplish good academic record. On the other hand, children who comes low socio economic income family, where father is not well educated, involves with digital gaming and poor academic performance. The study also finds children with opportunities continue higher education. Students without the access to the internet can fall behind than the others. That can only create frustration and dissatisfaction.

Digital divide is a social inequality which simply explains not everyone have the same opportunity to access the technology. This gap not necessarily occurs due to economical insufficiency. Age, gender and geography lot of things can create this gap.


I have come from Bangladesh with the population of 171.2 million. Unbelievable or not cell phone and internet is easily accessible with minimum cost. Still many people can not utilize the technology in advance way. For last couple of weeks, students are protesting for their rights and situation got out of hand. To my best of knowledge what I know, internet is completely shut down for last 2 days….

I do not know what is going on back in my home. Due to the lack of internet nobody is able to share the news or updates of Bangladesh right now. I haven’t been able to reach out to my family, which is stressful. So I can say from my personal experience what technology means to me or people like me. I guess lots of factors determine whether technology can make society equitable. We need technology in our lives and we can not take it for granted. Hence it is difficult to say that technology led to more equitable society. But let’s hope one day we can “Cover The Gap”.