Category Archives: Quick Draw: Seven Fallen Feathers

Seven Fallen Feathers

As a learner, I felt that I had a very lacking education when it came to learning about First Nations people and their history as it relates to the European settlers. I had the opportunity this semester to listen to the audiobook for Seven Fallen Feathers by Tanya Talaga. I also was given guided questions for each chapter and responded accordingly. We were given the option of a “Quick Write” or “Quick Draw”. As you can see, I did a combination of both. The pictures are in correspondence to the chapter reading and may or may not have connection to the writing portion.

PLEASE READ: this is a reminder that your views and responses may be different from mine as far as responding to the guided questions. Please be kind and remember that your views and responses are equally as important. Our minds think differently and that is OKAY! Neither of us are wrong in the way we respond to them.

Chapters 1 & 2: What aspects of the book do you find challenging?

Chapters 3 & 4: How do you see the racism embedded in public institutions adding to the problems of Indigenous youth in Northern communities?

Chapters 5 & 6: What role can we play as individuals in promoting justice and equality for First Nations’ youth?

Chapters 7 & 8: How did this book influence your thoughts on the institutional racism faced by Indigenous peoples in Canada, as well as the legacy of the harms done by the residential schools?

Chapters 9 & 10: What do you think Talaga intended to convey by giving readers intimate portraits of the youths’ lives?

Epilogue: Can the settlers and the Indigenous people come together as one and move forward in harmony? What are your thoughts on this?

Thank you for reading my thoughts and responses to the guided questions. If you do read or listen to the book, I would love if you shared your responses but please do not feel obligated to.

Thanks again to Vivian Gauvin for providing the opportunity to unlearn and relearn my ways of knowing.